Qi Men Destiny

Qi Men Destiny
Qi Men Destiny 奇門命盤
Qi Men Destiny Chart

What is Qi Men Destiny (奇門命盤)

But first what is Qi Men Destiny (奇門命盤)? Qi Men Destiny is a branch from the  Qi Men Dun Jia, a well-known ancient divination system used in military  strategy, tactics, strategic execution and more. Qi Men Destiny is one  of the system to chart a different layer when it comes to your personal  destiny analysis.

You can find out different layers when it comes to view your life such as Spiritual, Guardian of Destiny, unique super power, theme of life, your subconscious, karmic and many other layers which is completely different than Bazi or Purple Star astrology.

We can find-out our body, soul, mind, spirit layer to understand our inner-vibration energy pattern so we can navigate our life better.


For my practise I use Bazi, Qi Men Destiny and 8 Bagua Ming Jing Mirror to analyze one’s life and destiny path to find out what could be potentially holding them from growing or maximise their potential. Sometime we can find certain information such as life blockages, potential issue, risk or additional layer of opportunities.

I would consider this layer of destiny reading crucial as sometime there are negative circumstances shown in Bazi or Zi Wei Dou Shu, but it can be seen as positive in Qi Men Destiny. Such as one case of my client where he have no wealth or wife star in his chart, however that’s not the case when we view his Qi Men Destiny Chart where he just need to be conscious and aware over the opportunities and attraction then the negativity circumstances can be overcome.

Spiritual Pursuit

For personal growth or personal development, especially when it come to spiritual pursuit or seeking fulfillment in life, the Guardian of Destiny, Star Path, and Constellation can tell you and answer most of your quest in pursuing your spiritual path. From your karmic story, soul / life force gravitation to higher calling. These are the additional layers which not covered in other destiny reading system.

What are even the story board your Soul has selected before you are born, and how do you navigate your own spiritual growth, some may even wanted to know which Star Seeds they were born in and whether the 28 Constellations can give you more insights into these.

Notice Title

I have written a very detailed guide on 2024 Qi Men Dun Jia Annual Chart where you can find out more on your spiritual or alternative layer of your destiny. Simply plot your destiny chart, find out where is your destiny palace then you can overlay these sets of information to find out your annual luck opportunities.

Example of Qi Men Destiny Chart

Joey Yap Qi Men Destiny Chart
Joey Yap Qi Men Destiny Chart

You can plot your Qi Men Destiny chart at : https://qimenex.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login

Structure of Your Qi Men Destiny Chart (奇門命盤)

Qi Men Destiny 奇門命盤
Qi Men Destiny 奇門命盤

Joey Yap created a whole new level of Qi Men Dun Jia Destiny Chart (奇門命盤) where it covers;

  1. Heavenly and Earthly Stems which govern your character namely
  2. 9 Heavenly Stars which govern your thoughts, mindset
  3. 8 Doors which govern your action and theme of life
  4. Guardian Spirit / Guardian of Destiny is your super power & higher life force influence
  5. 7 Star Path which govern your life cultivation which I have covered some of them here
  6. 28 constellations how the external influence your characteristic and more
  7. Various configuration/formations
  8. Palaces from destiny, wealth, health, career, relationship, reputation, subconscious, knowledge, education, soul, karmic, spiritual path, life lesson, life cultivation, higher calling and many others
  9. Internal and external palaces, will you be more successful pursuing wealth in other country or locally?
  10. Luck Palace example as below;

Qi Men Luck Palaces

Qi Men Dun Jia Destiny Luck Palaces
Qi Men Dun Jia Destiny Luck Palaces

Another layer seldom discussed in Qi Men Destiny is the Qi Men Luck Palaces, some school uses 10 years cycle per palace, some uses 15 years per cycle. You have to find out from which school or system you’re learning from and follow that main rules.

Qi Men Guardian of Destiny or Spirit Deity

One of most important layer in Qi Men Destiny in spirit realm is your Guardian of Destiny or Qi Men Deities and the 7 Star Path of your destiny.

Qi Men Star of Destiny

Here are the Qi Men Star of Destiny which governs your mindset, thinking pattern;

Qi Men Door of Destiny

Here are the Qi Men Door of Destiny which governs your action and theme of life;

10 Qi Men Destiny Life Stem

In Bazi, we call this as your Daymaster but in Qi Men Destiny we call this as your Life Stem or Day Stem. They shared certain amount of similarities with Bazi Daymaster but each of them will operate slightly different in term of your Qi Men Destiny. Here are the 10 Qi Men Destiny Life Stem;

Qi Men Destiny Life Stem Jia 甲 – The Emperor

Qi Men Destiny Life Stem : Yi 乙- The Diplomat

Qi Men Destiny Life Stem : Bing 丙- The General

Qi Men Destiny Life Stem : Ding 丁- The Strategist

Qi Men Destiny Life Stem : Wu 戊- The Treasurer

Qi Men Destiny Life Stem : Ji 己- The Creative Supporter

Qi Men Destiny Life Stem : Geng 庚 – The Righteous One

Qi Men Destiny Life Stem : Xin 辛 – The Strategic Advisor

Qi Men Destiny Life Stem : Ren 壬 – The Dual Sided Snake

Qi Men Destiny Life Stem : Gui 癸- The Philosopher

Death & Emptiness (DE) in Qi Men Destiny

DE (Death u0026 Emptiness) In Qi Men Destiny
DE (Death u0026 Emptiness) In Qi Men Destiny

DE or known as Death and Emptiness in Qi Men Destiny generally mean lack of fulfillment, lack of awareness, some may not recognize the ability or prioritize the element in this palace. If you have this inside your own Qi Men Destiny Palace as shown as above figure, this may mean you aren’t find much fulfillment in life which eventually lead you to pursue the path of spiritual enlightenment in hope to find fulfillment in life. For a more detailed write up you can visit the article in below image;

Death and Emptiness in Qi Men Destiny
Read more on Death and Emptiness in Qi Men Destiny

Therefore once you discovered the Death and Emptiness in Qi Men Destiny, it is not entirely that scary. You just need to be mindful over about it so you would have a better understanding in term of how you manage your own expectation and priority when it comes to the aspect of that affected palace.


Overall Qi Men Destiny are used to help us in discovering the map and journey into our life cultivation. If you are going through some spiritual awakening, discovered you have some special super power and wanting to know what is written in your inborn energy map then you can consider to learn more about your own life path with Qi Men.

More Learning

If you are interested to learn more about Qi Men Destiny, you can consider to join this course by clicking on the link in below image;

Qi Men Destiny Course 2024
Qi Men Destiny Course 2024

If you are seeking to discover your spiritual life path, your life fulfillment, your calling, what are the purpose you’re born into this planet, am I from? Which particular Starseed? What is my special abilities? Then you can consider to schedule a session to discover your spiritual life path with me as below;

Schedule A Consultation

Invest into discovering your inborn storyline and understand how your spiritual gifts, inborn special ability, your guardian angel ability and how to navigate your spiritual life path.

Update Log

  • 2024-07-22 : Added Qi Men Door of Destiny posts
  • 2024-06-05 : Added Life Stem characteristic
  • 2024-04-08 : Added Qi Men Star of Destiny posts
  • 2023-08-16 : Added Qi Men Guardian of Destiny posts
  • 2023-10-16 : Added Death and Emptiness
  • 2022-11-03 : Updated more details & information
  • 2022-04-28 : Published first foundation article

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Jonath Lee - RenerQi

If you would like learn more or discover a more personalized answer to fit your requirements, feel free to book a session

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