- 7 Star Path of Your QiMen Destiny
- Life Path Star Level 1 : Strive to Survive
- Life Path Star Level 2 – Desire and Adventure
- Life Path Star Level 3 – Power
- Life Path Star Level 4 – Connection
- Life Path Star Level 5 – Spiritual Growth
- Life Path Star Level 6 – Intuition
- Life Path Star Level 7 – Soul
- Life Path Star Level 8 – The Void / The Dao
For those who are in the midst spiritual pursuit, discovering the other side of life that were not taught in mainstream education, I will be explaining the 7 Star Path of your QiMen Destiny a sub system of Qi Men Dun Jia where we use this complex system to discover your inborn soul and spirit energy pattern, karmic ties, life lesson, life path, your subconscious inborn spiritual guardian, theme of life and various other information which may not be found in Bazi Destiny system.
—- UPDATE JULY 7th, 2021 —-
Here I have share the 7 Star Path of Qi Men Destiny in Vish Channel, follow this channel to learn more about Qi Men and Bazi.
Some readers asked if we can change the star level of our 7 Star Path life cultivation. Generally speaking you can’t change the level of your life star path as it is what you were born with. Some may wanted to upgrade, some may wanted to downgrade, but after all these are just the theme of your life cultivation.
There are method to shift or change the star path but it is not something easy nor can be undo. Which is why I’m not covering nor explain the method. These Star Path can be read together combing with your Qi Men Guardian Spirit.
7 Star Path of Your QiMen Destiny
The 7 Star Path of your QiMen Destiny would explain different level of life path cultivation, from fetus, teenagers, man to awakened higher self being, this would help you figure out why certain experience in life pushing you to certain direction. So through this article, you’ll discover the answer.
I normally uses these two system side by side, especially when it comes to discovering spiritual or higher level of life cultivation, life purpose, karmic ties, and life lesson.
Life Path Star Level 1 : Strive to Survive
If you’re born with the Life Path Star Level 1, you are just a little fetus or baby, born into an unknown world of darkness, filled with uncertainties and basically it feels like the underworld. Your motivation is to stay alive in this unknown world. Where everywhere you look you, hear, smell, and sensed were filled with tremble of fear. This is where you felt your life is filled with uncertainties, fear of what can go wrong, fear of taking or making the wrong decision which may kills you.
Your ANT (Automated Negative Thoughts) is actively running all the time. This is also what we call the little devil’s voice. Whatever miracles landed upon you, somehow this little devil would first come in to tell you the negative sides behind these. Your senses of pessimistic is at it’s strongest power which amplifies fear in everything you think, plan, do, and etc.
You will always think what can go wrong, how it would go wrong, always think from the most negative side of thinking while deep inside you crave for the good thing happen instead. You would hold tight to food, belonging, collecting, protecting your resources in fear of the worst time (despite you already have more than enough).
Life Lesson : Embrace the unknown by experience it
Your lesson in this life is to overcome your fear, allow yourself to take on new challenges, move to new places, explore new territory and venture into the unknown.
Life Path Star Level 2 – Desire and Adventure
If you’re born with Life Path Star Level 2, your life path is in the teenagers realm where you crave to explore, adventure and desires to experience everything. You would hunger to gain more, make more money, competitive, wanting to show off, going to the easiest way out to gain anything you wanted in life.
In this state you also would crave for affection, sex, lust, emotion, feelings, and many other addictive pleasure. Make sure you holds yourself clear of what you want as there are consequences and responsibilities in everything you do.
Your sense of curiosity drives your creativity, expressive and seeing things in complete different perspective holds you tight into going against the norm.
Life Lesson : Gain full control over your mind, body, and soul
As you may have the tendency falling into mesmerizing experience through new discovery, this would make you easily addicted and unable to stay focus, your mind filled with these desires would have no space for important things in life. Therefore you have to learn how to use time as constraint, goal oriented, workflow, daily routine and time management.
Life Path Star Level 3 – Power
If you’re born with Life Path Star Level 3, your life path is in the adulthood where you crave for power, your wants, becoming the authority, strive for great success. Your theme of life is all about taking action, taking things into your hands to dominate anywhere you go.
However you are quite stubborn, living in your own thoughts or living in the past, fixated mind. If not well trained you may fall into becoming triads, creating your own gang to spread your control by conquering territories.
You don’t care about others, you don’t care about community, society, while you mostly care about you yourself, lack of empathy and think of other people’s needs and wants.
Life Lesson : Your battles are more meaningful when it meant for others
Your strength, strong-will, endurance are always strong, but fighting for your own self eventually would landed you in an empty world. You may win the battle, but you may lost the world. Every battles brings different meaning and the more awareness you have, the better clarity for you to be able to connect all these meaningful events to form a bigger picture with life fulfillment, remember to have a purpose to fight for.
Life Path Star Level 4 – Connection
If you’re born with Life Path Star Level 4, your life path is in the stage of man in earth realm. You’ll realized you have been fighting all alone throughout your life, the feeling of loneliness, lack of support, your thoughts and knowledge just linger within your own self.
You may have neglected your emotional needs. This is the moment you start to learn how to connect with other people, build relationship, increase bonding and ability to take care of other people.
You no longer feel lonely, the feeling of love, would empower you to increase your ability to grow above your own capacity, ability to overcome bigger problem / obstacles in life.
Life Lesson : Extend yourself through others
Open up yourself to build deeper connection with other people. Throughout this process you’ll learn how to love, forgive, empathy, respect, extend your reach through other people. Craft a bigger memorable life experience together.
This is the stage of separation between heaven and earth. Life Path Star Level 5 on-wards leads towards more spiritual growth. I will normally asses your current life palace to evaluate the 7 Star Cross Path cultivation, to help you find out why you may sensed certain calling but lack of clear sign in your spiritual pursuit.
Life Path Star Level 5 – Spiritual Growth
If you’re born with Life Path Star Level 5, your life path is in the stage of spiritual growth where you experience awakening and discover the living above your own needs. This is where you pursue to learn more new stuff, non-conventional wisdom to find the way to reconnect with your higher self and discovering the true meaning of life.
In this stage there are many ideas, thoughts, wisdom, expression were suppressed within you to a stage where you struggle to hold everything within you, just to make yourself able to blend in with normal society. This is due to your fear of expressing such a thoughts would stirs those who are still running in the rat race.
You crave to attain higher level of wisdom in order to awaken others, share with others, enlightening others, in a nutshell you are here to serve others to a higher purpose.
Life Lesson : Awakening truth worth to be express
Learn how to communicate, speak, allow yourself to share your perspective, find your own like minded target audiences, start to share your finding, express your thoughts and wisdom with clarity. Learn how to express your ideas with clarity in simple, organized and influential tone that connects deeper with other people.
Life Path Star Level 6 – Intuition
If you’re born with Life Path Star Level 6, your life path is in the stage of spiritual connection where you can easily connect with your higher self, retrieve information, message, feedback intuitively. In this realm you began to gain better connection and synchronicity with the universe.
Those who experienced spiritual awakening in this stage would experience certain level of miracles or unexplainable moments. From ability to sense answer, feel what other wanting to talk, taking action based on gut feeling, gain insights, visuals, dejavu, and you’ll be mesmerize with these incidence.
You’ll began to detach away from mainly making money alone, monetary gain is no longer your goal. Your pursuit to rediscover the connection with your higher self will draw you away from purely just making money alone. You may experience a lot of failure if not cultivated properly.
Life Lesson : Surrender your logic, embrace your intuition
If you’re the kind of person who head strong with logic, and wanting to prove everything to be logically making sense then you’ll be in a big struggle as there are many thing doesn’t meant to make sense when it comes to in flow with intuition and synchronicity with the universe.
Life Path Star Level 7 – Soul
If you’re born with Life Path Star Level 7, your life path is in the stage of detachment. You no longer crave for materialistic wealth, money no longer inspire you as a matter of fact you’ll discover many people need to detach or exit from the rat race in order to see the bigger meaning of life.
You’ll gain stronger connection with your higher self and began to transcendence to higher level above human realm. This is a state of serving and enlightenment others, relieve the pain by understand the ultimate truth in pursuing the ultimate meaning of life. Your life is not about yourself, your life is about others, your love is not for one, your love is for the many.
If you aligned well with your higher self, your manifestation does grow stronger and faster as long as it is aligned with the higher self’s purpose.
Life Lesson :Your live is not about you, your life is about the others
The moment you discover your life purpose is to enlighten others, your painful past became your asset, your mistake became the lesson to others, your lost became the gain to others, you no longer worry nor stressed as you discover all the past failure in life were meant to teach and enlighten others.
Life Path Star Level 8 – The Void / The Dao
If you’re born with Life Path Star Level 8, your life path has just transcendence above soul level, you are in the spirit level where you are formless. You are everything and you can be nothing. In this state you are not bound by any realm, you would experience confusing journey. As you wandering around thinking if you should move forward to unite as one with the creator or turn back to the soul path or reborn as level 1 again.
Life Lesson : There aren’t any life lesson
This is since you are not bound by any realm, it is up to you to decide where you wanted to go
I hope this article could shed some light into discovering your life path discovery and the answer of why you’re stuck in certain level of life pursuit.
Above are the life path cultivation in life, this is just merely one of layer of life cultivation by just explaining the star level, each level shall combine with your guardian spirit, palaces, formation and many other elemental interaction. But at least this article has sufficiently explain to you the meaning of each life path cultivation.
What is Qi Men Destiny / QiMen Destiny?
Qi Men Destiny is one of the layer to discover your;
- Your inborn nature, characteristic
- You Guardian Spirit and your Special Power
- Which is my meditation direction?
- How to awaken my hidden super power?
- How do I seek for my spiritual pursuit?
- How to unblock my chakras’ energy?
- What is my own mantra?
- Your thoughts pattern
- Your life lesson such as
- Why is my relationship always stuck, what is the karmic lesson?
- Why the world always take away everything I have created/ build/ established?
- What is karmic lesson? What is my biggest life obstacles?
- Life path
- Your theme of life
- How your subconscious thinking pattern
- Your inner child / inner voice
- Am I guided in my life? How to listen to my inner guidance?
- What is my mantra
- and many other layers
If you would like to discover your Spiritual Path, feel free to contact me to book a session to discover your Qi Men Destiny or perhaps to even get yourself a complete detailed Qi Men Destiny Chart.
Disclaimer: Some of the terminologies in this free sharing are copyrighted materials belonging to Dato’ Joey Yap and the JY Mastery Academy. To learn more about the JY Mastery Academy, please visit https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/ to plot your Qi Men Dun Jia Destiny Chart.
Information provided here are for general reading, you may have up to 4 different zodiac which interact different based on 10 different Daymasters and luck pillar. Thus you need to manually align the energy to your own chart. Or perhaps you may consider to;
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