The Nine Heaven (Jiu Tian 九天) which also known as the God of Foresight and Vision, you inherited the power of foresight, vision, manifest reality through your vision. There are few practice and cultivation for those who’s born with the 9 Heaven as your Guardian of Destiny.

Before you get started, you may need to checkout this introduction to Qi Men Destiny here. And if you already use Joey Yap’s Bazi Calculator : you can find your guardian of destiny as shown in below figure.
Once you have discovered your Guardian of Destiny is the 9 Heaven then this is all about your guardian spirit.
Introduction to the 9 Heaven Deity

If your Guardian of Destiny is 9 Heaven then you will inherit the some of characteristic as below;
Intelligent and Driven
You are smart and intelligent, always ambitious and driven to create your success. Once you set the goal and vision well, it will drive your passion and pull all the energy to make things happen. Once you set a clear vision, your charismatic energy and aura will drive team/organization towards materialize it.
Always ahead of time
The 9 Heaven being the God of Foresight possessed the power of envisioning, ability to see and craft the future. You’re the type of vision leader where you set the future direction for your team, this is crucial especially if you’re building a disruptive company who constantly evolve to pioneer in your industry.
You may experience Dejavu a common intuitive experience where you may felt you have been in particular place before, everything happen on that moment felt like a repetition. You will feel things had happened before, for those who have strong connection may have seen certain incident happen in the future just like Baba Vanga, or Nostradamus.
Righteousness & Trustworthiness
You hold tight on righteousness and trustworthiness where sometime others would felt you are not flexible or lack of toleration. This is feeling is stronger for those who didn’t suppress this feeling and consciously aware that any scheming or inappropriate deal doesn’t serve wholeheartedly.
Money & Wealth
The 9 Heaven have the ability to turn vision into new business, solutions and new products. Your ability to see through the future allow you to create and develop or even merge various resources to craft unique products to fulfill the needs of future market.
Especially if you have the Heavenly Grass or Pirate Star which governs entrepreneurship, ability to spot or even create solutions to fit into future market gap is definitely advantageous.
Healthy State
On healthy state you are set vision and drive people towards the ultimate goal. You have the ability to attract future resources from ideas, potential of development, and how the future life would be simplified. You’re always curious to seek to gain insights on mastering the foundation of things, thus it’s not weird if you love to read of about philosophical studies, and receptive to discover anything especially when you have the Open Door in your destiny.
You would love to work with group of people who love to change status quo, you attract wealth, power and authority in transforming ideas into reality. Therefore you shall find way to utilize this special ability.
Unhealthy State
On the negative side the 9 Heaven sometime set the vision too far, may ignored what’s ahead of your current state. Therefore you need to vision how things unravel itself, the process, set the milestone to ensure those who are in the operation or execution level could met at the right junction and remain aligned.
Some of the common issue I faced working with visionaries entrepreneurs were setting the vision too far, despite they have the ability to attract the outcome however the process or the journey may have break their team. Which create another issue such as human resource, turnover-rates, and etc.
Therefore balance is required especially if you met a high-level vision leader who set the vision too far until the team couldn’t cope up and let go.
So you need to learn how to set ultimate final vision, write it down or create vision board and put it in the strategic location for alignment purposes. Then visualize what need to happen in order to achieve your vision, break it down to a digestible chunk.
Just like a GPS Navigator, you set the final destination location but from time to time the GPS navigator will tell you where to turn, how to redirect or re-route you towards your destination.
Another issue with the 9 Heaven is that they could easily swayed away from their initial goal and keep changing direction and this will definitely throw the entire ride off-the course.
Life Lesson
One of the thing you have to learn is breaking down your vision into small execution task. From there you need to align and connecting these dots according to your vision board.
Depression, when you keep your head too far into the future without realizing where you are in your journey, it could be depressing. As you may wake-up and find you are still far from any progress towards your vision. Therefore you need to learn how to manage your working time versus your life style, in order for you to operate healthily you need sufficient rest, and blend multiple activities to keep your mind at fresh.
How To Connect and Strengthen with My Guardian Spirit
To connect with your guardian of destiny the 9 Heaven is completely different compares to other guardian spirit. You have to practise visualization mediation where you have to visualize the goal or wish you wanted to manifest.
Best if this is supported with a vision board where you can create a vision board for long and short term. One of the method I encourage people to try is to write a cheque with your dream amount and place it in somewhere you can easily see. Then visualize and feel the moment you’re receiving the dream amount.
Here I have included 6 Phase Meditation by Vishen Lakhiani the Founder of Mindvalley to help to practise meditation with visualization.
Mantra and Self Affirmation
Here I share the simplest way to get started to connect and work with your Guardian of Destiny with few mantras and self-affirmation to connect the layer of your higher spirit with your conscious;
Create The Highest Grandest Vision Possible For Your Life Because You Become What You Believe
Oprah Winfrey
My clear vision drive and propel me towards crafting an extra-ordinary future
My future vision guide me and my team to improve the life of many
I’m so abundant of future vivid vision, inspiring my creation every moment
9 Heaven, bring me future resources to materialize my new business venture
Some of the terminologies used above are subject to copyright belong to Dato Joey Yap, Joey Yap Mastery Academy, Joey Yap Research International Sdn. Bhd.
For more information on Qi Men Dun Jia, Bazi, Feng Shui please visit