Qi Men Door of Destiny : Life Door
Those who are born with the Qi Men Door of Destiny : Life Door is ambitious, powerful, and materialistic successful. They are daring, courageous in their pursuit to achieve the top of their game.
Qi Men Destiny
Before you get started, you may need to checkout this introduction to Qi Men Destiny here to understand the importance of discovering this layer of your destiny to uncover your spiritual cultivation, your guardian of destiny / guardian angel, your life path and cultivation to connect with your higher self.
You can plot your Qi Men Destiny chart at : https://qmatools.masteryacademy.com/Account/Login.aspx
Life Door In Qi Men Dun Jia
First of the all Life Door or Sheng Men (生门) is associated with the earth element and it is by default located in the Northeast (Gen gua) palace in Qi Men Dun Jia palaces or the Luoshu 8 Directions. This door is strong during the transition of season until supporting the growth of South (fire element) palaces.
This door is associated with creation of wealth, life force energy, vital source of energy, seeking gain, making profit and generally auspicious for most endeavors.
Optimistic and Positive: They are optimistic and constantly able to see the potential for success in most situations. Thus this make them very good entrepreneurs.
Ambitious & Goal-centric: They are ambitious and self-driven, with a strong desire to achieve their goals and leave a lasting impact in their industry.
Energetic & Enthusiastic: They possess a high level of energy and enthusiasm, which they channel into their pursuits. Their passion and persistency paint a vibrant record in everything they pursue.
Confident & Assertive: They are confident with their abilities, skillset and they are assertive in grasping any opportunity in life. With this traits they are capable to capitalizing on any opportunities present ahead.
Adaptable & Resilient : Despite their ambitious nature, they are also adaptable and resilient. They have the ability to recover from challenges and discover new path to achieve their goals.
Career & Business Advancement : The Life Door is highly beneficial for career growth, business success, and financial prosperity. It can help propel people towards their professional objectives and bring recognition for their talents.
Sheer Willpower & Determination : They are not shy away from hard work and continuous self-improvement to overcome challenges. They willing to put in extra work, extra hour and in pursuit.
Generous & Charitable : They are also generous with their wealth by helping those in need. They believe they can contribute to the community and those who need it by not only through donation but as well as creating job and opportunities for others.
Good Money Sense : They have a good sense for money and making profit, thus they are often successful in accumulating and making wealth.
Dictatorial : Their strong and ambitious vibes can sometimes lead to dictatorial, tendency to micro-managing the details which may result lack of trust from team members and challenging when it comes to sustain bigger goal.
Power Hungry : In order to make more thing happen they need power, authority, and the ability to call for action, which can suppressed people around them.
Neglecting Relationship : Being ambitious and workaholic may causes one to neglect other aspect of their life such as relationship, family, and other responsibilities which prompt them to be aware of the purpose of their pursuit and ultimate outcome in life.
Additional Considerations:
Combined Influences: The personality of a Life Door person is further influenced by the combination of other elements such as the palace location, timing, the heavenly stars and stems.
Life Stages & Experiences: They are driven by workaholic nature which prompt them to keep themselves in check from time to time for why are they getting themselves into Busyholism? What are they trying to achieve? For themselves or for a greater good for others? They need to see things in big picture and breakdown their progress into small chunk to keep themselves having a break.
Overall Life Door in Qi Men Destiny
Overall the Life Door person is ambitious in pursuing for their success and material wealth, which need to constantly keep their relationship and bonding in check to ensure all their hardwork pays off for a greater fulfillment and life achievement.
Qi Men Destiny 2024
If you would like to learn more about your own spiritual life map and your internal life battle map, do join me in this new Qi Men Destiny course in coming August, for more detail please visit the link in the image below.