Rooster Zodiac in 2022

Rooster Zodiac in 2022
Rooster Zodiac in 2022
Rooster Zodiac in 2022

The Rooster zodiac in 2022 would continue to thrive, after taking on the role of a General Star, this year your journey would be a lot smoother with 2 ultimate auspicious stars plus with 2 smooth sailing star. Before we get started, let’s review your 2021 awesomeness first.

Rooster Zodiac in 2021

Rooster zodiac in 2021 have the opportunity to form alliances with the Grand Duke Ox and Snake which formed the Three Harmony combination (Si You Chou) which is also the metal frame, with the Three Harmony Combination with Ox and Snake in 2022, I hope you have activated the General and Thriving star to continuously thrive in the year 2022.

Rooster Zodiac in 2022

Rooster horoscope luck in2022
Rooster horoscope luck, shen sha or auxiliary stars in 2022

The Rooster Zodiac in 2022 would enjoy higher authority and smooth sailing journey this year. After going through storm and thunder in 2021 with the General Stars this is the year you are rewarded with the authority, thus this year you need to allocate more time to set your theme of life;

Theme : Establish Yourself As The Authority

Let’s dive into the Bazi Shen Sha or Auxiliary Stars for the Rooster Zodiac as you have both ultimate stars such as;

龍德 Dragon Virtue

Dragon Virtue is one of the ultimate nobleman and problem solving star, this is basically similar to Royal Pardon or Royal prerogative of mercy Powerful nobleman luck & problem resolving star, all your mistake would be forgiven.

紫微 Emperor Star

The Emperor Star or the Zi Wei Star denote you were being given the authority to take lead, there you need to have the right knowledge and people skill to lead group of people to make things happen for greater good.

天厨 Heavenly Chef

The Sky Relief star the other way is a game changer star where this will turn problem into opportunities, inauspicious into blessing.

息神 Rest God

After all the heavy battle, you are granted with the Rest God star which brings you more opportunity to rest, rejuvenate yourself and recovery in all aspect of life especially mental.

暴敗 Brutal Defeat

The Brutal Defeat star means you would easily fall once in a while, thus you need to learn how to pickup whatever opportunity or life lesson through out your defeat, as each defeat should be treated as the way to grow up. Lesson such as speculation, rumors, ego, show off too much (due to the Dragon Virtue and Emperor stars influence), therefore you shall stay humble and not to show off too much.

天厄 Dark Sky Spirit Harm

The Dark Sky star or Spirit Harm which bring pressure from the sky/heaven. Which means you may experience pressure from market and timing changes. For the spiritual side this would also make you felt eerie or spooky when you went to certain eerie places. However this is beneficial for those who wanted to pursue spiritual path, since this is one of the star you may be seeking to gain the connection.

破碎 Broken Star

The Broken Star means you may easily break stuff, not just physical form but as well as reputation, communication, contracts or relationship as well. When this star is activated it may bring loss of wealth either due to compensation or penalty.

的煞 Solid Killing

The Solid Killing is basically a direct planned attack which dedicated to you, this would brings legal, asset or trust being robbed away from you.

咸池 Salty Pool and Bath Star

Combined together both the Salty Pool and Bath Star brings negative romance and potentially sexual or unhealthy desires. Both would causes negative attraction especially sexual attraction, flamboyant, lust and romance trap.


Bazi chart structure
Bazi chart structure

You have may up to 4 different zodiac / animal sign in your Bazi Destiny Chart , from the year, month, day, and hour pillar you’re born in, each pillar govern respective influence in your life.

Plot your own free Bazi Astrology Chart via Joey Yap’s Bazi Plotter at;

Once you plotted your Bazi Destiny Chart then find where the Rooster Zodiac in your chart then refer it to the information as below;

Year Pillar

For those who are born in the year of Rooster you would found yourself to easily connected with highly reputable authority people such as officers, industry game changers. Learn how to tap into this channel to grow yourself and be willing to offer your help to offer your service, say yes to any opportunity and learn your way to get it done.

With the Heavenly Chef and Rest God you would easily attracted to join for a retreat, good food feast. Activate this to increase your bonding with friends, network, peers and industrial players as this would indirectly brings you hidden opportunities (especially those special alliances you formed during the Ox year)

This is also a good year learn how to be proactive make things happen, bring people together to materialize project which benefit to the masses.

Month Pillar

For those who born in the Rooster month then congratulations as this is the best year to rise yourself to become the authority in your workspace or business’ industry. Consolidate ideas or set benchmark in your industry, be the one to set the rules to guide and improve efficiency.

Day Pillar

For those with the Rooster Zodiac in the day pillar this denotes relationship and your personal growth. Let’s start with your personal growth, with all the good stars above this is the year to redefine how you portrait yourself in terms of what you’re good at, your experience and overall identity.

For those who are in relationship this is a good year for you to create more time to rejuvenate with your spouse, allocate more time to explore food trip, create blog to share your personal experience.

Hour Pillar

For those who born in the Rooster hour this is a great year for you to rethink how you want to craft your legacy, what you would be known or have contributed into other people’s life. Craft out your own life vision and set your goal towards that vision.

This year I would advice you to stay put and not rushing into your investment decision, spend more time to do your due diligence in assessing risk.


Overall the Rooster Zodiac in 2022 has finally reached the level of success after a rough batter in 2021, this year is the time of establishing your authority after going through all the storm. Now with the real substance and real experience you shall compile all your experience and expertise to establish your name, your rapport, or someone who could help set the industry well.

For business owners this is the year to form your benchmark of success in your industry, set guidelines, best practices, be the one where your industry will come to seek for your guidance or perhaps accreditation.

For employees this is a crucial year to establish the professional side of you, replay back all your capabilities, capacity, experience, knowledge to set guide and leads in your working environment. Push yourself to be known and also the one people shall seek when it comes to your profession.

Rooster Zodiac

Best friend with : Dragon
Best alliance with : Ox and Snake
Disharmony: Rabbit


As you have discovered all auspicious and inauspicious Rooster Zodiac in 2022, now you shall write down the below into your personal Annual Planner 2022 or use the Hack 2022 Annual Planner as I have previously taught to ensure you can reprogram your mind and prime your mindset to activate and use the positive effect from all these stars into your real life personal growth.


  • Establish Authority
    With both Emperor Star and the Dragon Virtue star you have to properly strategize your establishment as the the authority in your industry
  • Royal Pardon
    Your mistake would be pardon, thus you can be less worried about learning more through experimenting new approach, set your intention right and you will be able to reach your goal with ease
  • Rejuvenation
    With both Heavenly Chef and Rest God this year would be a more smooth sailing, take this opportunity to self rejuvenate, this is important to keep your spirit and mental energized.
  • Sex Sell
    One of the way to flip the negative side from both the Salty Pool and Bath Star is to positively use it as perhaps your method to sell, deliver message or concept of attraction. After all sex does sell pretty well.


  • Calculated Risk
    Having the authority doesn’t mean you should take uncalculated risk, makesure you understand the risk you’re taking and get yourself well prepared with black and white documentation
  • Clumsy Mind
    Be more mindful in handling anything important or expensive as you may be easily break it, if physical may be you just need to compensate it but if it is an important project given to you but you broke it then this may activate more negative reaction stars
  • Lust and Sexual Desire
    Be more mindful as there are potential road or traffic accident, injuries which lead to bleed, if this occurs make sure to heal it. 
  • Fluctuation
    The Salty Pool does exists in the Rooster Zodiac this year however despite this is a very nominal star, this could cause you massive downturn and may loss most of the stuff that you have been established

Note : This article will be keep updated from time to time with new information, follow my Facebook page here to get the reminder so you can discover the Game Changer details.

Book session to plan for your 2022 with Chinese Horoscope, where you will discover your monthly energy, opportunities, when is your wealth month, plan important activities and what your current 10 years theme of life as well. If you are not sure on how to craft your own Annual Planner, feel free to arrange a consult session here to discover your own personalized version;

More Chinese Horoscope in 2022

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