Horse Zodiac in 2022

Horse zodiac in 2022
Horse zodiac in 2022
Horse zodiac in 2022

After went through a massive clash in 2020, and emotional year of the Ox, the Horse zodiac in 2022 sees itself transforming and taking lead to charge forward with powerful support from the Grand Duke Tiger, now get ready to craft your annual planner with this guide.

Horse Zodiac in 2021

First of all, the Horse were in Emotional Harm with the Grand Duke of 2021, the Ox. This year you may experience massive emotional struggling judging how and which path to proceed. 

However you were blessed with Heavenly Yi Nobleman and Sky Noble, most of your worries and problem solved easily as long as you are open and receptive towards advice and guidance. Discover more about the Horse in 2021 to findout what you may potentially experienced and activated here.

Horse Zodiac in 2022

2022 Chinese Horoscope Horse
2022 Chinese Horoscope Horse

After all the clash in 2020, emotional turmoil in 2021, the Horse zodiac in 2022 has arrived for it to thrive and charge forward. Venturing into the open territory, to expand your horizon (which is also part of your own nature), this is best year for you to take lead and maximise all the stars as below;

Theme : Expand Your Horizon to Serve A Wider Range of Audiences

Read on to find out how to activate these auspicious stars and I would highly recommend you to plan out the best time to activate these stars before you hit on the pedal.

將星 General Star

The General Star is basically taking lead and charge forward just like a General. You will experience increased in status, people would be seeking your help to take lead to lead others forward. This is one of the best authority star especially for a suppressed horse, where your nature is to run and explore the open world.

天馬 Heavenly Horse

The Heavenly Horse star is one of the best travelling star which would broaden your life experience. This star will also boost your vision, thinking, and imagination as long as you are on the move. It is the time to venture into a different territory.

金遺 Golden Lock

The Golden Lock star brings good wealth growth, increase in term of your earning, income, and business opportunities. Together with the Heavenly Horse star, you shall broaden your market reach, expand to other geographical audiences, generate more wealth opportunities.

三台 Three Stages

The Three Stages star brings good reputation, status and meeting the right people, gaining the right help from various nobleman. This is a good star for promotion and corporate ladder climber, but one step at a time as you need to strengthen your foundation to rise.

三和 Three Harmony

The Horse and Tiger (Grand Duke of 2022) would form a Three Harmony combination which is one of the best combination especially if you have the Dog zodiac in your chart. This would activate a strong alliances which may smoother your journey in broaden your target market or out reach.

龍池 Dragon Pool

The Dragon Pool bring closer connection with important people especially if you activated the Three Harmony, build stronger bonding with various allies as this will smoother your journey in getting things done on the way.

天福 Sky Fortune

With the Sky Fortune star is the heavenly blessing star which brings you promotion, increase of reputation, increase wealth, and harmonious relationship blending with others. Take this to cross border physically would be more beneficial.

唐符 Tang Fu

Tang Fu star or better known as Talisman Star which is just like a lucky charm to help you overcome obstacles. Together with combination of stars above you will gain helps or perhaps mention their name and help will arrive.

官符 Officer Charm

The Officer Charm basically brings legal issue, summonses. So be sure to perform internal or own audit to keep track all your legal documents are well taken care of. And when it come to summonses, banking, taxation are properly managed.

年符 Year Charm

The Year Charm may bring legal cases, legal issue, summoned to court or government departments.

飛符 Flying Charm

Flying Charm indicates small legal issues such as fines, agreements, court summons, speeding tickets, bank legal letters or income tax bills.

五鬼 Five Ghost

The Five Ghost triggered your own suspicious, self-doubt and worst could make you feel eerie when you went to certain uncomfortable places. However this would be a good for those who are trying to learn spiritual or energy healing related.

飛刃 Flying Blade

Flying blade star is an aggressive star which brings disputes, argumentative which may lead to fighting, physical harm, worst if being dragged into a fight.


Bazi chart structure
Bazi chart structure

You have may up to 4 different zodiac / animal sign in your Bazi Destiny Chart , from the year, month, day, and hour pillar you’re born in, each pillar govern respective influence in your life.

Plot your own free Bazi Astrology Chart via Joey Yap’s Bazi Plotter at;

Once you plotted your Bazi Destiny Chart then find where the Horse Zodiac in your chart then refer it to the information as below;

Year Pillar

This pillar governs your network, external part of your life thus you would experience powerful connections, influential people is happening around your network. Be bold to connect, network with them. But you first need to prepare your mindset to be in flow with them due to the Heavenly Horse and Tang Fu star, be fast to take on opportunities.

For business owners you shall take this opportunities to expand or broaden your business presence, create your glocal language by integrating with their local’s culture. Integrate this goal with your “Define My Game” section to chart your own fear versus reward in case if you need more courage. 

Month Pillar

The month governs your career, wealth and overall capacity, if you’re born in the horse month then this year your career would thrive very way better. This is because you have strong connection to expose your horizontal beyond what you’ve known by far. 

Be bold to take on huge responsibilities in your career, be supportive to your superior, remember the Corporate Ladder climber (for employees). For business owners or freelancer this is the best year to go out above your comfort zone, be it expand your presence or service to international target, find way to explore out towards this path.

Day Pillar

The day pillar governs you personally (for those who are single) and spouse or partner (for those who are in relationship. For single this year you may have strong opportunity to connect with potential partner, or perhaps someone who could teach you or awaken you your self worth grows by be willing to connect with others.

For those who are in relationship, your spouse or partner may have connection who could assist or add more value to your personal pursuit. Take this year to travel and craft more meaningful moments together. Review all your past experience and redefine your relationship goal.

Hour Pillar

For those who have the horse zodiac in the hour pillar, congratulations as this governs your children, investment, aspiration and things that deeply important to you. For your investment you have the Golden Lock which bring good wealth acumen and value increment for your asset as well.

If you own businesses, this is a good year for you to hire potential helpful and value added staff. For freelancer or starting your own side gigs, bring your work to internet. Find partner or someone who you can materialize your vision.


Overall the Horse zodiac fare pretty well in 2022. After all the rough ride from 2020 to 2021, this year is where you shall rise and charge ahead like a wild horse, into the new horizon. However be mindful throughout this journey as there are filled with various opportunities, helpful people may be able to assist you in getting issue resolved.

Main issue you may have to deal with are mostly government, officers, legal and all the paperwork. Which is part of your lesson to stay grounded and play by the rules sometime, to ensure you are not just merely running away from responsibilities. Given with so many helpful alliances, be sure to find the right one to help you get your problem sorted out so you can keep charging forward.

Word of Wisdom

Horse horoscope in 2022 would form an important relation with the Tiger and best if you have the Dog zodiac in your chart. Here are some word of wisdom mainly for the horse zodiac under the Chinese Horoscope 2022 wisdom guide.

Rewards Those Who Have Contributed

During process, you shall not ignore to reward those who have contribute to your success.

When Your Energy is High, Fear is Low

Keep spirits high, find activities of self affirmation, new habit to prime yourself. Here you shall above two words of wisdom to remind you when stumble upon blockages. Personal Annual Planner or Hack 2022 Annual Planner are crucial, treat it as your personal growth hacking framework to gain the unfair advantages with Chinese Astrology.

Comment in the box below to get upcoming updates on how to use the game changer in transforming your life.


As you have discovered all auspicious and inauspicious Rabbit Zodiac in 2022, now you shall write down the below into your personal Annual Planner 2022 or use the Hack 2022 Annual Planner as I have previously taught to ensure you can reprogram your mind and prime your mindset to activate and use the positive effect from all these stars into your real life personal growth.


  • Higher Purpose
    Imagine whatever you’ve been doing were just some a minor dots in your life, waiting for you to connect it all with a higher or bigger purposes, go and seek in the realm above all material gain
  • Nobleman Club
    Learn how to ask for help, be receptive towards potential advice, assistant, opportunities, as most of the stuff we wanted to attain in life came from others
  • Opportunist Radar
    With so many helpful nobleman, you have to increase your sensitivity to spot the gap in market, take advantage on top of it to increase your overall value
  • Expand Your Presence & Offerings
    If you have been wanting to expand your market, audiences or presence globally, this is the year to outreach easily with all the help from external, craft your unique value and position yourself close via localization approach


  • Emotional Harm
    Find your clarity in term of your own position, define what you should and shouldn’t do, your boundaries and safety zone to prevent from falling off your own stand (value and self identity)
  • Entanglement
    It is the right time to face all your past issue, write it all down in “My Fear Game” workbook, slowly dissect every fear into the game accordingly and you will gain the strength to overcome this strategically
  • People’s Problem
    Problem exists to be solved, be more mindful with all these drama, people’s matter, betrayal and all these emotional drama. Stay clear away by shifting your mind between logic and emotional sides. This is best to be done via the My Turmoil worksheet, there is where you’ll turn these into the reward

Do something today that your future self will thank you for

Sean Patrick Flanery

Note : This article will be keep updated from time to time with new information, follow my Facebook page here to get the reminder so you can discover the Game Changer details.

More Chinese Horoscope in 2022

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