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Monkey Zodiac Sign Forecast in 2021
After going through 2020 with no auspicious star, well finally 2021 is your comeback year with huge amount of auspicious stars and all you need to prepare this year is to go all out and take charge.
This year you are blessed with the ultimate nobleman and problem solver star the Dragon Virtue which uplift you in all different aspect of life, depends on where the monkey sign appear in your bazi. Do take pro-active approach in putting all your problem onto table and solve it one by one, chunk by chunk, phase by phase.
Plus you are boosted with The Zi Wei Emperor star, taking up the lead, uplift your authority level and take charge to move forward as you will not be fighting alone, this will also easily be good to suppress the negative stars. Therefore be focus on staying on-par with A-Players or at least C-Player level.
Another star is the Sky Happiness which brings happy events, good tiding, for those who are single you may found someone who may end up in marriage, for those who are in relationship this is a good year to tight the knot. If this monkey sign in your month then there would be promotion (of course you must first activate great stars as above) :D.
Monkey animal sign could potentially appear in different pillar of your Bazi. Plot your Bazi anywhere online or directly order a Personalized Bazi Report so you could focus on your plan instead of tedious study.
Monkey sign in your chart
Monkey Year
1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Monkey Month
Aug 8 - Sep 7
Monkey Hour
3pm until 5pm
Chapter : Gamify Your Life
- Welcome to Nobleman Club
- Ultimate Problem Dissolver
- Happy Events & Good Tidings
- Support from Higher Status/Ranking
- Build Authority, Leadership, Trustworthy
- Impatient & Hastily
- Legal Entanglement
- Low on Guard
- Spirit Harm
- Burnt out
- Forgetful
- Suppressed
- Injury
For #innerwork framework users, we’ll be focusing helping you discover your inborn character, and design your character’s growth path. Attributes below is the explanation in term of self gamification;
+ Nobleman Club
Welcome to the nobleman club where you will receive support from male helpful nobleman. One of the best way to attract nobleman of course is to join the nobleman club, basically just become nobleman to others, offer your help, contribution, assistant and connection to help others.
+ Problem Dissolver
Blessed with Earth Relief, and Month Emptiness stars most problem can be easily resolve this year, so take your time to find out what problem you have been hidden, dragging, holding back and delayed for years, this is the year for you to solve it once and for all.
+ Happy Events
This is the time to play a pretty unique game, Ninja Warrior or Takeshi Castle, turn obstacle into a fun run challenge, every obstacles is what sharpened to a whole new level of you.
+ Support From Higher Status & Ranking Nobleman
You would receive support from higher ranking or high status nobleman, this is beneficial if there’s any project you need support or approval from the above group.
+ Build Authority, Leadership
If you manage to tap onto higher ranking group, you would gain additional boost to take lead, build your authority in your brand or industry.
Impatient & Hastily : As you felt pressured or push to the edge, you may have tendency to act hastily, if your impatient has not been train well then this year would be slightly challenging for you.
Legal Entanglement : High risk of drawn into legal issue such as summonses, government department related, lawsuit, tax, asset, police report, insurance claim as well.
Low on Guard : As you may easily fall fatigue due to overwork, your guard may have reduced. This would influence your belonging, asset, sales lead, opportunity leaked or stolen away, worst if you have activate offensive star you may attract robbery.
Burn Out : You would easily burn-out due to overwork, this is also one of the main contribution towards your performance which may activate other negative stars.
Forgetful : Set more reminders be it for your appointment, payment, billing, anniversary, birthday and important dates and events as well. Take a backup of your phone just in case.
Suppressed : When the market or environment change unpredictably or unseen, you will felt pressured and suppressed to the corner, take more time to rejuvenate or get therapy to detox and unblock your mental health.
Injury : You would easily prone to injury, accidents, robberies, bleeding especially during handling machinery, equipment and driving.