If you’re a Qi Men Dun Jia student, you may heard one of the ultimate manifestation method known as walking the 7 star path under Fa-QiMen/Fat-Kei-Mun (Spiritual QiMen). Qi Men Dun Jia is an art and I repeat this is an art, it could be very abstract to explain how it works, but in a nutshell Qi Men Dun Jia maps out the universal energy vibration patterns, if used it right you may be able to align yourself with certain energy pattern/formation to gain additional advantage in taking particular actions.
Walking the 7 Star path is one of the method under Spiritual Qi Men where you can align yourself towards certain formation charted either in month, day or even hour to connect with the universal energy where you can make some wishes to manifest for a certain outcome. However I realized most peers or students didn’t aware about what’s going on and what could actually happen, how much do they aware with the potential repercussion or consequences.
The Contract
Walking the 7 Star Path is basically signing a contract with the universe, have you ever sign any contract in your life?
Walking the 7 star path is basically signing a contract with the universe, by committing into something to gain certain outcome you wished for. However most peers didn’t aware that they have to state down the terms clearly, what they need to give in order to gain as per Law of Equivalent Exchange. You can’t be wishing for a fit and healthy body by just doing few push-ups a day right?
You need to be aware that a contract has never been just a few line, you have to be specific in defining what you want, how you want it, and what will you be willing give in order to get it. Therefore, prior making any contract you shall first define and state down clearly the terms and conditions rather than leaving it to the universe. Most of them walked the path and successfully get what they wished for but also went into some trouble later on, and the worst thing is there’s no easy way to undo the wish therefore be very clear and craft your contract prior walking the path.
You can’t wish for changes onto someone else
And another thing I would like to highlight is that, you can’t sign an agreement behalf of or for someone else. I have a case where a mother have wished to reduce her lifespan so that her child who suffers certain illness would regain a normal healthy life (which is impossible). She walked the start path for few times but her child didn’t get the ideal improvement however she experienced a lot of weird problem from her work and sudden betrayals. When I asked her for the details of the contract, she said she didn’t write down and merely just walk the chart and simply make the wish with no clear statement. Any contract is only signed between you and the universe, remember this.
My Nobleman
I was considered as very lucky to have an affinity with a friend from Taiwan who have experience and knowledge in Taoism practices including Fa Qi Men(Spiritual QiMen). While he was visiting me in my house, he saw one of the Star Path mat, and that lead to his sharing regards on these subject, I was very fortunate to learn such important insight from him prior making my first walk into this path.
Prior walking the 7 Star Path, you shall clearly write down your wish, what you willing to give and for how long in term of duration for all these to take place onto a piece of paper, and makesure you keep that piece of paper properly and don’t lose it, if you’re afraid then please take a photo and stored it in your Evernote or any apps for future reference.