Pig Zodiac in 2023 Overview
The Pig zodiac in 2023 didn’t have much auspicious stars compare to other zodiac, but nevertheless you still have the Heavenly Chef, Three Harmony with the Rabbit Grand-duke of 2023. Before you get started remember to review your 2022 Forecast as per my Pig Zodiac in 2022 guide.
Career & Business For Pig Zodiac in 2023
There is only 1 auspicious star which is the Heavenly Chef which brings you more opportunity to enjoy good food, easier for you to find good interesting & delicious food, more food feast and celebrations. Do not look down upon this star, because most people love food and food can solve many issue, even anger.
Having partial of the Three Harmony with the Rabbit (Grand-duke of 2023) which mean you can be the host to important people, be the initiator who organize gathering starting with good food, then slowly lead everyone to your designed topic.
By this, for those who born with the Pig zodiac, you need be creative in using food meetup, to create more opportunities for everyone to shift their negative thoughts into fully focusing on food alone. Food is a very good psychology healer, therefore you need to kickstart digging out good foody place to arrange important meeting.
Love & Relationship For Pig Zodiac in 2023
For the Pig zodiac when it comes to relationship you form the partial Three Harmony (Wood Frame) with the Rabbit (the Grand-duke) and the Goat zodiac. Which brings harmonious connection, opportunity to work with others, meeting more friends, meetup and gatherings as well.
Strengthened together with the Heavenly Chef you can arrange more opportunity to go for food hunt together with your loved ones and exploring new unique local cuisine to enrich your social media presence as well.
Threat for Pig Zodiac in 2023
When it comes to threat, the Pig zodiac in 2023 were trailed by these 9 inauspicious stars, sounds scary? Let’s dig in.
First of all is the Sky Warrior which intensify the sense of competition, suddenly everything around you are chasing for the same goal(especially when it involved your Three Harmony Alliance the Rabbit (Grand-duke). There you need to keep up the momentum to be equally competitive,
Second is the White Tiger brings argumentative, petty people who want to hunt you and bring you down. As there are high-risk of accidents, injury, you need to be more conscious not to be attending or join any high-risk activities (physical and non-tangible e.g. investment).
When the Sky Warrior star, plus Goat Blade which come together with the White Tiger it would intensify your reaction, competitive, rivalry, act impulsively, which may cause accidents, injury, easily triggered, loss of wealth due to your inability to analyze and think properly. Therefore do not react or reply instantly, take some time to delay any response, clear your mind to re-strategize, once gain the clarity only then you reply them (or just tell people you are busy enjoying your food, no time for drama).
Back Poking basically mean there are more people talk bad about you, gossip around you, creating rumors and talk behind your back. This is normal as you are being seen as a competitive, therefore you need to run faster, move faster, creating more positive experience, food sharing and discovery to let them talk about the food on your social media post instead.
Brutal Defeat star is an indirect star which stick onto you from external influence, minor influence but you need to be aware that someone too much rivalry fighting around you, some may be defeated and wanna drag you along. Stay away be constantly not available for these kind of drama.
Flying Chaste, Great Sha and Earth Sha brings high risk & easily prone to accidents to due external influence, inability to focus, natural disaster like landslide, avalanche, flood could trap you. Therefore you need to pay attention to fix your house, your environment, renovation are norm, be more conscious and don’t over-eat until you yourself become over-weight and clumsy.
Lastly is the Broken Basket star which brings potential of lies, deceit, scam which may causes you financial and wealth losses. Do not be greedy else you will easily fall together due to the influence of Brutal Defeat.
Bazi Guide for Pig zodiac in 2023
Pig Year 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 | |
Pig Month Nov 7 – Dec 6 | Pig Hour 9pm until 11pm |
Read this guide to learn the 5 Important Things To Know how your Chinese astrology chart work.
Plot your own free Bazi Astrology Chart via Joey Yap’s Bazi Plotter at;
Once you plotted your Bazi Destiny Chart then find where the Pig Zodiac in your chart then refer it to the information as below;
Pig zodiac in Year Pillar
For those who are born with the Pig year, this govern your external influence where your will be surrounded with aggressive driven people who are pushing their boundary in competing with each others. This will indirectly increase the sense of competition if you, making you feel you’re way behind your schedule but nevertheless these are just external influence to remind you to keep yourself up with the game.
Having the Heavenly Chef Nobleman, take this opportunity to go for foody meetup to reduce the tension and open up more positive communication, this will help in pacify most anger.
Lastly with the 3 Harmony with Rabbit and Goat, this is the year you shall grow your network, make more new friends and etc. They may have more stress and higher workload where you are going to be their best company for a food hunt.
Pig zodiac in Month Pillar
For those who are born in Pig month, this govern your career & business aspect which mean the competition is getting tighter and tension is getting high. Good thing is that you need to up your game and time to really initiate all these critical changes.
Do manage your ego though, as both the aggressive star will pushes you to act in high intensity which can easily fall into strong ego appearance, this could cause backfire.
Be proactive in initiating risk management to prime your work space with secured foundation, this is also to help you in preparing your ground work before go all out to attack in your career.
There are possibilities of more petty people, attackers, back-stabbers, but you turn them off by focusing hitting on your goal, let your results speak for itself.
Pig zodiac in Day Pillar
For those who are born in the Pig day this governs your personal relationship matters and your personal growth. Having all the aggressive stars boosting your personal breakthrough and your sense of taking charge to initiate all the important projects or completing some of your bucket list this year.
Just be aware of your emotion, not to be easily reactive towards the external influence, play in your own pace (afterall this is your own race towards your life goal).
When it come to personal relationship, you may found your spouse is getting more anxious and easily triggered, this would required you to be more patience and slow down your communication manner to prevent misunderstanding.
Pig zodiac in Hour Pillar
For those who are born in the Pig Hour, this pillar governs your ideas, dreams, aspiration, investment, children and people who are under your care. With all these aggressive stars in this pillar, it may mean your team, your children or people under your care suddenly becoming more aggressive, and this may cause you some negative impact from their over-doing.
As for your own thoughts, this year you may have realized you’re way behind your own schedule in achieving your goal, time to really tighten your schedule to get the important things done in order to reach your dream life.
Summary For The Pig zodiac in 2023
Overall for the Pig zodiac in 2023, despite feeling competitive, more challenges and bound to level up yourself in this new year. You need to sharpen your mind, focus, execution and adaptive problem solving abilities. Having lucky auspicious stars in past year already give you the comfort boost.
In 2023 you have to increase your conscious to be able to pay more attention with your surrounding, not to be reactive or act based on emotion. Heighten up your rationale thinking as stars like Sky Warrior and White Tiger can help you in personal breakthrough that you may have been wanting to.
Be more careful and slow down your pace from time to time to self-check, to ensure you are not reacting and sway away from your own goal due to the external petty influences.
Guide for the 5 Element of Pig zodiac in 2023
Below is your guide for all 5 different type of Pig zodiac with different personality, for this you need to plot your Bazi Astrology Chart to find out the Daymaster (normally highlighted with dark colored background) then refer to the guide as below;
Wood Pig (Yi Hai) 乙亥 in 2023
For those who are born with the Wood Pig , this is your Indirect Resource star on Friend which you the opportunity to gain new experience with like-minded people. Observe and learn from your peers, then find the short cut or the easiest way to reach your goal.
Try to leverage on their resources, their experience and their case studies. Sometime it is way easier for you to replicate success by having the right crowds of inspiration. And with the Heavenly Chef Nobleman, this is going to be the easiest one to open up their golden mouth to get those inspiration.
Fire Pig (Ding Hai) 丁亥 in 2023
For the Fire Pig, this is your 7 Killing on Indirect Resource where this year may brings you more challenges, more petty people or I would prefer to say, more hidden opportunities. Having aggressive stars means you need to buckle up to charge ahead-on with all these adventure this year.
This is the year where more challenges, coming your way in attempt to bring the best out of you. Turn all your past knowledge, experience into execution, solve problem spontaneously. You may need to avoid travel, or if travel needed then try to get someone to drive for you to avoid potential injuries.
And remember to practice clear communication with everyone around you to ensure clear goal setting, clear alignment then it would be easier for you to navigate forward.
Earth Pig (Ji Hai) 己亥 in 2023
For the Earth Pig person, this year your Indirect Wealth on 7 Killing star which of course brings you more wealth opportunities being an effective problem solver. Take advantage or seek for opportunities under the chaos.
Having so much wealth opportunities could be risky if you don’t set the boundary as you may easily fall into pitfall of greed. Everything have their flow, ups and down, having too much aggressive stars may propel you into taking higher risk, however this year it may not be that easy for you.
Be more aware and take a more calculative stance to ensure you know what kind of risk you are taking and how much you can lose. Need a little more cautious and rationale, set boundary and safety measure to ensure your foundation/capital are not being put into the gamble this year.
Metal Pig (Xin Hai) 辛亥 in 2023
For the Metal Pig person in 2023 this is your Eating God on Indirect Wealth which mean you have more ideas or innovation which can be monetize. Which is good especially this is a good time for you to sharpen or upgrade your offering with a better, practical value and excited to use.
Create the excitement and how it can overrides whatever offered by your competitor. Find out what your clients or customers truly need, integrate more excitement or interesting challenge by using your products/services which can uplift their personal experience (user experience design).
By the way, having the Eating God plus boosted with the Heavenly Chef Nobleman, this year you have more chance to grow fat with your appetite and food hunting. This will also stimulate your mind with more new excitement and daring to change your game.
Water Pig (Gui Hai) 癸亥 in 2023
For those who are born with Water Pig Daymaster this is your Friend over Eating God which brings more connection, gathering, meetup, collaboration, meet with like-minded people to go for food hunt, exploring new excitement and experience.
For work wise this is a good year for you to build stronger network, more collaboration or catchup. Do take note sometime during these meetup activities, there are bound to pop some ideas and you need to know how to filter out, and what you need to keep to grow your own ideas.
Having both Friend over Eating God may causes you to over-think, innovate until lack of execution, therefore you need to set your short term deadline to execute your ideas, keep this in mind.
For an accurate and detailed reading, you need to refer to your Daymaster and overall Bazi Chinese Astrology chart to get the big picture which truly resonance with you.
Pig Zodiac in 2023 with Monthly Predictions
Every month brings different energy to each zodiac, therefore I will be releasing Pig Zodiac in 2023 with Monthly Predictions periodically to help you in planning your monthly activities ahead.
Pig zodiac in January 2023
The Pig zodiac in January will start picking up momentum of shifting energy which may causes your thoughts and emotion were cloudy. This can causes you to make decision based on emotion, thus you need to maintain your clarity and not to reply/answer/decide too soon. Take sometime to check if the decision are aligned or resonance with your life.
Pig zodiac in February 2023
The Pig zodiac in February will gain more connection and access to more opportunities. This is your networking month and makesure you go out to meet more people, to tap into any potential kickstart opportunities which can be ideal for your personal development and career growth. You may however find your core focus set your list of interest in priorities, knowing how to filter out irrelevant options are crucial so you won’t wander away too far from your original path. There are however some legal, tax, documentation or paperwork you need to take care of.
Pig zodiac in March 2023
The Pig zodiac in March forms partial 3 Harmony with Rabbit and Goat zodiac, good time to meet these group of people to kickstart the new life path transition together. There are some negative confrontation which required you to handle things diplomatically and use your sense of inquisitive to help others to talk their heart out, find out what’s wrong and how we can level up by overcoming those issue strategically.
Pig zodiac in April 2023
The Pig zodiac in April (Fire Dragon) month may experience some disruption and overall luck and opportunity may seems to be slowly going stagnant. Do not allow the environment pull you downward-spiral, keep yourself on high spirit when others are falling you shall maintain on high energy to remain on stable level. There are some good personal relationship bonding which could help you in staying afloat during this period of compel.
Pig zodiac 2023 monthly predictions will be updated from time to time. You may checkout our monthly forecast in Vish Channel Live Videos here.
More 2023 Chinese Zodiac Prediction and Guides
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