Updated October 9, 2024 : All palaces updated
October 2024 Qi Men Dun Jia Forecast & Strategy
October 2024 Qi Men Dun Jia Forecast & Strategy based on your own Qi Men Destiny chart to help you strategize and anticipate in the upcoming energy. By having your mind well programmed and prepared, your subconscious will be ready to handle and navigate circumstances easily.
Find Your Own Qi Men Destiny Palace
Before we get started, please plot your own Qi Men Destiny Chart at:
Find your own Qi Men Destiny Palace which will be highlighted in Red Colored Box, that is your own destiny palace to focus mostly.
Or secondly you can use your Qi Men Life Stem or your Bazi Daymaster as the focus point.

Once you identify your own destiny palace then scroll down to your own palace below to find out your own monthly forecast, strategy and guidance.
Youtube Video : October 2024 Qi Men Dun Jia Forecast with more bonuses.
October 2024 Qi Men Dun Jia Chart Overview Analysis
Full Fu Yin Qi Men Dun Jia Chart
October 2024 Qi Men Dun Jia chart overview shows this is a full Fu Yin chart where all energy shifted back to their original palace. This signifies slows progress and barely moving, and all are resting and charging up. This is due to the Jia Xu’s stem is Ji also falls into Northwest which is also the Dog branch palace. Therefore this is the Full Fu Yin chart.
As we look into the hexagram 01 Heaven which signifies time to be open the path towards creation, so everyone can elevate themselves towards the path of growth to achieve hexagram 14 Great Reward. However due to limited capital, or financial constraint due to some legal or policy binding, not everyone have the budget to to invest into innovation. Some company may opt to scale down due to lack of support, trying to stay afloat by optimizing operational margin cost.
Northwest Palace & Ji earth Daymaster
Ji on Ji forms the Earth Door Meets Ghost formation which signify speculative, rumors, gossip spreading behind your back and it seems more challenges stacked up against you. However with the blessing from the Chief, as long as your sense of righteousness to serve whole-heartedly, you will be blessed with nobleman and support.
With the OPEN door with Envoy, this call the needs to be open minded, broaden your perspective, shift your mindset and adapt yourself to comply with the upcoming shift or change towards Period 9 especially. From the Hexagram 01 Heaven changing the Companion line to Great Reward hexagram’s Resource line, this urgently call the need to revamp your plan and hence the strategy as below;
Strategy & Focus : Re-invent The Game
This strategy suggest you to shift your priorities, instead of pacify those who doesn’t support you, focus on those who seek to contribute towards growth. Connect these genuine contributors, initiate open discussion by first diagnose the circumstances, what are the crucial steps towards developing your own breakthrough to overcome the massive market shift with limited capital and resources.
Find out where the market has shifted and which areas you need to adapt, are people seeking for deep dive subject? Are people seeking way to connect expert’s knowledge with story telling to invoke the emotion?
Tactic : Amphibious Path, Flexibility Is the Key
This tactic call the need to stay relevant to the current market and economic situation. Those who can adapt quickly will find Great Rewards waiting for them. Thus it’s important to be open-minded and willing to explore new ideas in order to provide genuine value to customers.
Spiritual Cultivation : Soul Searching
All the noise, comparisons, and expectations from others can leave you feeling down or internal anxiety attack. It’s time for you to sit down for introspection, review your Qi Men Destiny to reconnect yourself with your Ikigai / your North-star or what truly motivates you in your life pursuit.
Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
Sun Tzu Art of War
As this Sun Tzu’s quote which emphasizes the importance of preparation and strategy, which in a modern context could include technological and strategic innovation.
North Palace & Ding Fire Daymaster
Ding on Ding fire forms the Noble Enters Great Yin formation is a powerful structure brings positive progression and success. Good time to close a chapter/milestone/progress as you need to adapt yourself into the new market shift in upcoming period.
The hexagram 29 Water signify fear, uncertain, and the changing wealth line to influence to hexagram 48 Well here suggest the needs to reassess your goal versus current circumstances. hence the strategy as below;
Strategy & Focus : Redefine Your Enemy & Goal
The Redefine Your Enemy & Goal strategy suggest you to re-assess the entire progress, journey, milestone, trace back all you success and failure to find out what work and which doesn’t. This includes your marketing theme, the way you present or deliver your products or services.
This is a crucial time to perform optimization to begin a new journey to either pivot to shift your trajectory to reach your goal with a tweak to focus on more quality, serving your value in the most profound or well-optimized condition. This is to reduce wastage, serving the wrong crowds, using up to too much resources, dependable on single crucial source (this is crucial as the time of writing, the Dock Worker Strike already manifested in this formation)
Tactic : Numbers Do Not Life
This approach emphasizes the necessity of thoroughly reviewing your historical data. It’s essential to uncover previous trends and reassess their significance, effectiveness, successes, and failures. Identify what has been beneficial, what hasn’t, and which elements require enhancement or recognition.
By analyzing this past information, you’ll identify specific adjustments needed to ensure the continued advancement of your vision. Avoid allowing small decisions to derail your overall strategy.
Spiritual Cultivation : Envisioning Your Potential
Trace and track your progress so far, review from the beginning point to where have reach so far. Time to analyze if you need to tweak your plan to align it with where the market has shifted. Time to optimize your dependencies and seek for option as well.
Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory, when to fight, how to handle inferior enemy, know the spirit of army, who prepared himself, fully own military capacity
Sun Tzu Art of War
Northeast Palace & Yi Wood Daymaster
Yi wood on Yi wood forms the Day Noble Fu Yin structure call the need to hold your horses, now is not the right time to approach superior, authority or pursuing anything major. It is more suitable for you to maintain your status, holding onto your defense and strengthen your internal team.
This formation also signify the needs to stay grounded with the blessing from 9 Earth, focus on stabilize the foundation (as shown in the hexagram Mountain transforming Yao 1 into Beauty hexagram). Focus on celebrating your team, your relationship, and your family as well.
Strategy & Focus : Non-Engagement Strategy
The Non-engagement Strategy encourages you to focus on defending your position while also trying to harmonize with others and be diplomatic. By adopting this approach, you can create situations where everyone gain benefits, lead to a win-win outcomes for everyone.
This not only helps in resolving conflicts but also boosts your reputation as someone who values cooperation and understanding. Overall, it’s about finding a balance that works for everyone involved.
Tactic : Refusing Battle
The Refusing Battle tactic means that you should choose your battles wisely. Instead of reacting to every challenge or provocation, it’s better to wait for the right moment to respond. Staying calm and not letting anger take over is important. By doing this, you can focus on your own growth and improvements instead of getting caught up in unnecessary conflicts. Remember, sometimes it’s better to step back and think about how you can grow rather than getting into a fight.
Win by not fighting, you will gain the most. Your time, resources, effort are more worthy to be invested into a more worthy battle.
Qi Men Council
East Palace & Ren metal Daymaster
Ren on Ren forms the Snake Enters Earth Net structure which mean you may be invited to a deal or commitment which may causes you feeling trapped (Black Tortoise). Becareful of any deal which sounds too idealistic but lack of strong foundation, and please refrain from making commitment driven by speed, speed doesn’t guarantee result.
This is shown by the Hexagram Thunder transforming into the Wind Hexagram which symbolize when you make decision fast, hasty, without calculating the risk then you will caught in typhoon or tornado.
Strategy & Focus : Borrow The Road to Conquer
This strategy suggest to start by staying defensive, refrain from jumping into decision and pretend you are having difficulties to understand the what your opponent is trying to sells to you. Take this opportunity to buy time, make few calls and you can keep asking confusing or irrelevant questions to distract your opponent and make them unsure of their own intention.
While in the process, seek opportunity to reach out to a third party to assist you in attaining the goal through alternative route, or alternative path.
Tactic : Doubt Destroy Dreams
The Doubt Destroy Dreams tactic is a strategy where you create uncertainty in your opponent’s mind. By making them question themselves, you can break their focus and shift their attention away from what they are trying to achieve.
This way, they become confused and less effective, allowing you to gain an advantage. When people start to doubt their abilities or the plans they have, it can lead to mistakes and missed opportunities, making it easier for you to succeed in your goals.
When we are able to attack, make them feel we are inactive.
Qi Men Council
Southeast Palace & Xin metal Daymaster
Xin on Xin (master mind) forms the Grand Heaven Fu Yin, you just imagine when there are 2 mastermind meeting each other, either one will try to outsmart each other which eventually revealing their hidden strategy. Thus this month lay low and focus on plotting your strategy and talk lesser as others may easily associate you with other trouble makers.
Strategy & Focus : Replace the Beams with Rotten Timbers
As the hexagram were not transforming, thus this strategy suggest you to remain passive and do not say anything which may causes enemy to feel you are attacking them. Let them remain be defensive. Instead you can throw some deep question for your enemy to ponder if they are fighting for a genuine worthy battle.
Tactic : Wearing Down The Enemy
The Wearing Down The Enemy tactic is all about making a good impression while staying strong in your decisions. Start by being friendly and sincere so that the enemy feels respected, even when you are turning down their proposals.
By showing kindness and understanding, you can create a positive atmosphere, but it’s important to keep saying no to their offers. This way, you wear them down over time, making it clear that you won’t easily change your mind.
Attack is the secret of defense; defense is the planning of an attack. If he is secured at all point, be prepared for him.
Sun Tzu Art of War
This quote implies that if your enemy appears overly confident, it might be a sign of weakness or protecting their vulnerability. This is where you can question them to wearing them down their sense of security.
South Palace & Bing Fire Daymaster
Bing on Bing fire forms the Moon Noble Rebelling Officer structure which brings legal or receiving warning letter or worst attract lawsuit. Imagine two general met each other while hoping to seek for approval or letter of authority trying to use the unconventional method to get closer to opportunity may in the end suffers backfire impact due to not following proper procedure or protocol.
Strategy & Focus : Strike with Unexpected Force
This strategy suggest you to be unpredictable and doing things differently. Instead of following the norm or usual ways, think outside the box and surprise everyone. So this basically means you should always be ready to launch a surprise attack that can change the mood or shake things up.
If you have been going solo all these while, may be this time you can partner-up with someone to create a powerful duo or more. This may indirectly strengthen or establish a more powerful force.
Tactic : Illuminating Influence
This tactic suggest you to become the fire to ignite brilliant hope, warmth others like the sun, uplift others through combination of brilliant and exuding abundance of hope.
Opportunities multiply as they are seized.
Sun Tzu
Southwest Palace, Gui water & Geng metal Daymaster
Gui Water Daymaster
First of all in term of stems, Gui on Gui forms the Heavenly Net Four Spreads which brings more emotionally trapped. When it comes with the Great Moon this suggest there are tendency you are trapped with your knowledge either you are too idealistic or knowing too much until can’t find what could work in future.
Gui Water Tactic : Attune to True Desires
This tactic suggest the needs to revisit your core intention, what you truly passionate about, the core or what get you into studying what you have learnt. It’s time to filter and re-prioritize what truly matters in aligned with your core intention.
Geng Metal Daymaster
Then the hidden Geng on Geng forms Great White Same Palace formation which signify petty people tried to sabotage due to hidden agenda. This suggest time to review the authenticity and sincerity of your partners, and how competency are they.
Geng Metal Tactic : Punishment & Consequences
This tactic suggest to question those working around you for intention, seek to understand what battle they are currently going through, are they fully aligned on the same boat or they are merely just a passenger feeding on resources? Sometime people need to know the result or consequences of their uncertainty which may jeopardize a big plan.
Strategy & Focus : Penetrate Deep Desires
This strategy is all about understanding deep desires of those around you and your target audience. By understanding their true motivations, you can predict what they will want or need next. This allows you to stay one step ahead of them, offering solutions before they even realize they need them. When you tap into these deep desires, you build a stronger connection and make it easier for them to choose your product or service.
Even the finest sword plunged into salt water will eventually rust.
Sun Tzu Art of War Quotes
West Palace & Wu earth Daymaster
Wu on Wu forms the Fu Yin formation, everything is in a stand-still pattern where everyone remains passive rather than active. No additional help or resources are available, and everyone is focused on survival, resting as much as you can, get massage when possible.
With the Death and Emptiness which suggest to remain passive, seek to understand how to reserve energy and deploying 3rd party solution for initial stage until the presence of signal showing the sign to attack.
Strategy & Focus : Beauty Trap
This strategy suggest in case if you are confronting a powerful enemy, then you can consider to deploy temptation plot to lure and weaken the leader/culprit then to infiltrate their formation.
Tactic :Defense is The Best Offense
This tactic highlights the importance of saving your energy to focus on defense, when you are fully enjoying, relaxing and rejuvenating, your enemy may think you are not preying on them. This is where you need to keep an observant eye to look for signs of weakness when their level of cautiousness dropped.
Invincibility lies in the defense; the possibility of victory in the attack. One defends when his strength is inadequate; he attacks when it is abundant.
Qi Men Council
October 2024 Qi Men Dun Jia Spiritual Sage Path
For the October Qi Men Dun Jia Spiritual Sage Path Alignment training, you may consider the Northeast Palace direction for grounding, balance and stabilize your internal emotion and energy. With Chong Zha (Double Deception) which is good to repel and counter bounce any negative attack. Star Nobility increase positive for most endeavors especially related to out-maneuvering any attack or generally boost career luck.
You may need to do grounding prior the meditation, prime and activate your physical qi/prana then do the meditation.
Information provided here are for general reading, you may have up to 4 different zodiac which interact different based on 10 different Daymasters and luck pillar. Thus you need to manually align the energy to your own chart. Or perhaps you may consider to;
Schedule A Consultation
Schedule a personalized session to discover your inborn talent, skillset, opportunities, and navigate your 2025 with a battle plan.