Here is your July 2024 Bazi forecast, discover your Bazi Daymaster forecast, opportunity, theme and more detail. In Chinese zodiac calendar system, this is the Metal Goat (Xin Wei 辛未) month will begin on July 6th until August 6th.
- July 2024 Bazi Forecast For All 10 Daymasters
- Jia : Yang Wood in July 2024
- Yi: Yin Wood in July 2024
- Bing: Yang Fire in July 2024
- Ding: Yin Fire in July 2024
- Wu : Yang Earth in July 2024
- Ji : Yin Earth in July 2024
- Geng : Yang Metal in July 2024
- Xin : Yin Metal in July 2024
- Ren : Yang Water in July 2024
- Gui : Yin Water in July 2024
- Additional Reading : Monthly Bazi Earthly Branches Forecast
First thing you all notice in this month’s Bazi chart is the double Xin Wei pillar which reflected in the Month Pillar, this is what we call as Fu Yin. When this happen in dynamic Bazi forecast, this brings confusion as you are seeing the same you in the Month Pillar which brings uncertainty, seeking for more information and lack of progress.
The Fu Yin also prompt most people experience stagnation, lack of growth, personal relationship issue, seeking for love, seeking for a companion. Thus you need to observe what how you feel with your deep emotion needs.
When it comes to 5 element both the Wealth element and Resource element are strong, which increase the needs for more transaction, wealth opportunity through strategic and well thoughtful plan.
When there are too much earth, all progress may come into stillness and required some clashes to allow the hidden wealth unleash. So we have to be mindful during clash days such as July 12, 24 and August 5th.
July 2024 Bazi Forecast For All 10 Daymasters
For a more precise usage of Chinese Astrology, you first need to plot your Bazi destiny chart using the free Bazi Calculator as below;
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Then follow the free guideline here to discover who YOU are and how to gain better insights from the guide below;
Jia : Yang Wood in July 2024
This is your Direct Officer produced by Direct Wealth month, time to unleash your self-authority to lead the month with new projects, solutions, case studies or etc. Time to shine by sharing your experience, your knowledge and how you can help others in streamlining their work processes in increasing their effectiveness. The Goat zodiac also have 2 hidden stems such as;
Hurting Officer : Presenting your new ideas, solutions, to who?
Rob Wealth : Of course to present to your fans, your followers, people who follow you.
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
After all the dramatic problem solving season of June has passed, now is the time to prep yourself for the year 2025, what are your greatest project needed to be accomplished before your Rob Wealth year?
Do something astonishing, time to execute your dream project by start planting the seed to help grow the next generation. First you need to find-out what truly motivate and drive you, what value you wanted to bring to the public? Dig from there then slowly plant your seeds to the mind of your clients and followers.
Risk : Playing it safe until let others take on your opportunity to showcase what you have been hiding under your sleeve.
Personal growth
If above goal are too heavy, then at least you can consider to streamline your wealth generation. There should be more workload popping up and you need to formulate a better way to solve problem. Nowadays we have so many Ai assisted tools and software, perhaps time to take a look into simplify the way you manage your life by setting new routine.
Take Note!
This is your Nobleman Month, so if you feeling stuck, perhaps you need to talk to a mentor, coach, any nobleman you can reach out to this month.
Bazi Wisdom : Your self-worth doesn’t increase by the validation of others, but by your own recognition of your unique value within. Embrace your passions, for they are the fuel that ignites your purpose and drives you towards success. This happen when your Friend Star meet the Direct Officer.
Yi: Yin Wood in July 2024
This is your 7-Killing produced by Indirect Wealth month which brings more monetary opportunity which of course required you to take new risk, new challenge. This required to upgrade your skillset or stacking new ability under your offering. Inside the Goat zodiac you also have both;
- Friend : Your friends and alliance, may causes anxiety but you need to focus on the big picture, the ultimate goal instead of short term emotional pain
- Eating God : Refine your method by integrating solutions inspired from your allies and create a more refined integrated solutions
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
You may consider vertical growth by reducing cost by integration your stacks. Perhaps you can figure out if there are any supply chain like logistic partners, affiliates or partnership you can work closely to reduce unnecessary cost. Or you can even consider to obtain new skillset by either hiring or collaboration to add value into your existing products or services.
Personal growth
Hopefully you have took the opportunity to start upgrading yourself last month. Well this month is time to put whatever you have learnt into real life execution. Of course throughout this process you may still be charging people while you are in your journey to master the skillset you have just attained but heck why not? Just makesure you deliver your value, optimizing expectation and focus on providing fast results to pacify the needs of your client first.
Risk : Busy working hard to solve problem until neglect your own job-scope and purpose.
Bazi Message : In this fast paced environment, we have to constantly refine the way we execute our plan flawlessly, constantly seeking for improvement by practice what we learnt. This is when 7-Killing can get rid of your Rob Wealth.
Bing: Yang Fire in July 2024
This is your Direct Wealth produced by Hurting Officer month. Time to keep busy hustling with your marketing and presenting what you have learnt.
- Direct Resource : Show results instead of telling people how to do it. Showcase the outcome, showcase all the facts, figures, data.
- Rob Wealth : Build your fans by gathering their success, their win, their testimonials to share more success stories, real facts and result from this transformation
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
Good news is your wealth month is keep shining on you, it just that you need to do more talking with the Hurting Officer which is also supported with the hidden Direct Resource star (co learning) and Rob Wealth star (build fans). Therefore this is the time for you to keep your shine high by doing more marketing, shout outs and more. Perhaps it’s worth for you to invest into some software, system (which of course you need to learn) into speed up your work process?
Personal growth
Well this month is time to get busy, but don’t forget to claim your credit and celebrate milestone, success, keep you and your team in high spirit.
Risk : Work hard, play hard, you also need to prioritize your health and overall wellness. Don’t push yourself way too hard.
Bazi Message : Set boundaries to protect your own mental and emotional well-being while still offering support to those in need. When wealth element increase it weaken the self companion element.
Ding: Yin Fire in July 2024
This is your Indirect Wealth produced by Eating God month which prompt you to stop seeking for future knowledge, focus at the moment and try to find out what problem, or challenges faced by people around you
- Indirect Resource : Turn your experience, analysis, your past experience into crafting this new solutions
- Friend : Create solution to bring convenient to your peers or target audience
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
Carrying the opportunistic mindset from previous month, hopefully by now you already start validating your latest solution and figuring out the way to monetize it. Well this is the month you can keep up the good vibes by further enhance the solution, make it your own, add a little spice to make it your unique blend.
Personal growth
Time to allocate more meaningful time to explore new food hunt adventure with your loved ones. Take this opportunity to communicate and celebrate milestone with your loved ones. For the singles, take this opportunity to start formulate whatever resources you already have into a new creation, learn how to monetize your knowledge/resources in the name of selling convenient to friends.
Risk : Keep hoarding and seeking for new knowledge in hope to perfecting your new creation which is an endless journey.
Bazi Message : Stop perfecting your ideas. Real perfection comes from putting them out there and getting real feedback. This happen when too much Resource trying to clash the Output.
Wu : Yang Earth in July 2024
This is your Hurting Officer produced by Rob Wealth month which prompt you to focus on resolving issue through clear communication. There are 2 hidden stars;
- Direct Officer : Solve problem diplomatically with your way of connecting multiple input to resonance with different parties
- Direct Resource : Turn the conversation into a learning process and invite other people to chip in their experience
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
With all the element above, clearly this month you can opt to go out to meet more people, like meeting your industrial players (so called Rob Wealth). Sit down and talk about the common issue faced in the industry, gather critics, complaints.
Then slowly transform it into solution, derive feedback and lead the pack slowly shift from being a complainant into passionate professionals brain-storm, chipping in solutions. Then you end the conversation by acknowledging this issue with new solutions and celebrate this chapter.
Personal growth
For personal growth wise, of course with the HO star, time for you to practise your communication at least. Be willing to go out to meet more people, become the nobleman to help other people to ease out their communication issue.
Some of you may get started with new relationship need to further know how to express you thoughts, don’t let them guess what you are thinking about. Let us learn (DR) about each other’s passion and schedule time for such meaningful experience (DO).
Take Note!
This is your Nobleman Month, so if you feeling stuck, perhaps you need to talk to a mentor, coach, any nobleman you can reach out to this month.
Risk : Giving self too much excuse and refrain from directing conversation into a meaningful one.
Bazi Message : Hurting Officer star can cause one’s going against with superior causes disputes, arguments. However if you know how to harmonize by talking about the goal, you are using the wealth element as arbitration to harmonize.
Ji : Yin Earth in July 2024
This is your Eating God produced by Friend Star month, this is the month where your time to gather brain juice into producing new ideas. And of course there are more to as you have two other hidden stems which brings you additional insights;
- 7-Killing : Connect multi-discipline or multiple forms of knowledge into your own new flexible and adaptable solutions
- Indirect Resource : Enroll your friends to join new problem solving learning or integration, test out the new methodology
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
This is the month for you to gather your team into brainstorming new ideas, innovate either your new or existing products/solutions and adapt it into the new norm with a brand new twist with what you have learnt so far.
The market are seeking for new innovation or new twist in term of how they solve their daily problem. With the annual energy supporting you to keep honing your leadership capabilities this time you have to get yourself out there to constantly stimulate the market or at least your own target group with new and polished ideas.
Personal growth
If above activities doesn’t ring a bell in you then you may consider to start sharing, teaching what you have collected, learnt, experiment into a unique solution which is so adaptable to current market demand and bring more convenient to your friends.
Risk : Waiting for someone to take lead or take initiative which eventually when other are doing it? It may make you feel you’re surrendering a good opportunity to someone who are less empathy and passionate enough.
Bazi Message : To become a leader in the industry, you must continually sharpen and polish your existing products. Constant refinement and improvement are the keys to staying ahead and achieving lasting success.
Geng : Yang Metal in July 2024
This is your Rob Wealth produced by Direct Resource month which may brings some heightened up competition as they are learning and growing but are you growing equally up to your game? You have the other 2 hidden stems;
- Direct Wealth : Increase your effectiveness by leveraging on partners or resources which complementing your own shortcoming
- Direct Officer : Be swift in conflict resolution, help other see through the needs of each other then regulate the process forward
Rob wealth, buy and try how other people doing their work, buy answer from peers,
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
Time to invest into learning how your competitor are doing their thing, how they build their success, is there a better way? Why not invest to experience or try their products or services so you can gain new experience or inspiration in upgrading your own process?
In business, sometime we have to invest into buying new experience from other experts, to learn the difference and how you can learn and upgrade your services to bring yourself closer to the experts or those who have new upgrades.
Personal growth
For personal growth, you need to ask yourself have you been very hard and suppressing your own self just trying to get yourself busy for the sake of being productive and useful? Well this month prompt you to take a step back to reward yourself by investing into buying new life experience, enjoy being served by others.
After all the hardwork and hustling, you deserved to be rewarded by experience products/services offered by others. You are not born to just work like a cow, life is an experience and you need to work hard, play hard, enjoy all your hardwork to make you feel like a human.
Take Note!
This is your Nobleman Month, so if you feeling stuck, perhaps you need to talk to a mentor, coach, any nobleman you can reach out to this month.
Risk : Working too hard, keep comparing yourself with others until you lose sight of your own life purpose. You are not a machine, you are a human who come to experience the planet earth.
Bazi Message : Rob wealth can be useful to prompt us to see life in different perspective, not just about having your wealth or opportunity robbed away, sometime this is how we buy social capital by investing onto others.
Xin : Yin Metal in July 2024
This is your Friend produced by Indirect Resource month which brings loads of confusion as you are seeing so many mirage and reflection of you. This prompt you to do your self reflection and ask you yourself are you working hard like a cow like others?
- Indirect Wealth : Are you working based on what truly excites you in your life?
- 7-Killing : Are you having fun and enjoying all the great moment which give you self of enlightenment?
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
This month calls the need for you to review your identity, your peers, who are associated yourself with and are you doing what you truly feel excited that resonance with your own calling?
This month also prompt you to review your own branding, who you are in the market? What are your significant role and review all the upcoming activities, are they resonance with your future goal? If no then start to change and realign with your brand voice and tone.
Personal Growth
This month is all about you, focusing on review your own self, sit down in a quiet space to do all your self thinking. Best to do journaling and review are you doing what truly make you feel alive and excited? Are you feeling insecure, lack of materialistic progress and just follow others blindly?
Time to regain your own voice and your own control to craft your map for the next 6 months to execute your plan in your way.
Risk : Too many Friend star can make you feel comfortable until your own identity becoming scarce in others. Find complementary partners where your significant shine are well balanced out.
Bazi Message : Your Useful God is the hidden Ding fire, which mean you have to work on your mental psyche and dig out what truly make you feel contented.
Ren : Yang Water in July 2024
This is your Direct Resource produced by Direct Officer month which introduce a more methodological way of sharing your experience, research, facts gathering and walk your talk by enrolling others to join your success way of doing things. Here are the additional stems;
- Hurting Officer : Witty way of expressing your discovery
- Direct Wealth : Exciting solutions or answers which help in solving your dilemma or headache
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
For business owner, this is the time to upgrade yourself with new knowledge, time to connect what you have learnt into a more methodological manner. Guiding your clients or customers with a clear step by step workflow, clear explanation to ensure everyone know you have it all covered.
By doing so your target audience can feel you truly walk your talk and know your stuff and mitigate any confusion or misunderstanding. This will direct or indirectly level up your reputation and authority (DO star).
Personal Growth
When it comes to your personal growth aspect well month prompt you to stop hoarding on too much data and seeking for ideas. The best idea you already have enough, you just need to put everything in a proper workflow, filter out whichever information that are not supported nor doesn’t make sense.
Risk : Keep seeking for information from the authority or experts but finding it hard to resonate with your own.
Bazi Message : Ren water itself may have tendency to keep asking for affirmation or answer that support their nature, try to use the Xin metal to filter out the grey areas and do your fact finding this month.
Gui : Yin Water in July 2024
This is your Indirect Resource produced by 7-Killing month which remind you to do stuff that keep you feel excited and gaining new experience. Here are the additional hidden stems prompt you to be aware of the potential;
- Eating God : Seeking for how things work, how to interconnect all the dots you have discovered
- Indirect Wealth : Opportunity to create your own niche creation that is so yours
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
This is the month for you to observe the market has shifted, share your observation and analysis, discover the exciting and crucial points(on what the market is seeking for) then connect all these relevant point.
You may want to combine these essential patterns to craft a fresh trend that invites individuals to explore your innovative approach to learning and experiencing your products and services. Show how people can achieve a whole new level of integration through your unique formula.
Personal Growth
For personal growth, a month to review and reflect if the thing you’re doing now truly makes you feel excited. If not then you have to out to start seeking what got you feel excited in the first place.
Are you pressured to perform the mundane routine or you are keep learning and integrating new excitement to invoke new trend of experiencing what you can bring to the table.
Risk : Feeling depressed due to too much noise in the external world. Inability to reconnect with your inner-self.
Bazi Message : Gui person seek for the unknown, new unique or niche information which helps him to get inspired to teach, to formula, to create something that is so unique for themselves.
Additional Reading : Monthly Bazi Earthly Branches Forecast
That’s all for the for the Monthly Bazi forecast, do take note some of the suggestion, advise provided above are for general inspiration.
Everyone would have a different configuration on their Bazi chart, different luck pillar, different goal and needs. Thus if you are seeking for a more personal advise, you may consider to schedule a consultation session to help you in planning your activities.
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