Here is your August 2024 Bazi forecast and micro-strategy, discover your Bazi Daymaster forecast, opportunity, theme and more detail. In Chinese zodiac calendar system, this is the Water Monkey (Ren Shen 壬申) month will start on August 7th until September 6th, 2024.

First thing you all notice in this month’s Bazi chart is strong with Water and Wood element.
- Supported Water : Here you will notice the Gui Daymaster was supporting by Direct Resource and the Rob Wealth star.
- Three Harmony (Water) : There are 2 Dragon branch in the Year and the Hour pillar which forms partial of the Three Harmony with the Monkey(Month) to form more water element.
- Strong Water : With so much water the Gui Daymaster need flex their muscle to lead and influencing the crowds into creating meaningful projects.
- Useful God : Having the Bing fire in the Hour Pillar brings harmonize into the chart to balance the cold beginning of the winter season to warm up the chart, making everyone are feeling easier to open up themselves. Bing is also the Direct Wealth which prioritize optimize spending, financial.
- 5 Elements : In term of 5 element we can see the strongest is companion followed by the Output element which signifies there are more collaboration, which also come with more rumors, gossip, speculation, creating fear, spreading hatred, intimidation due to overall chart’s setup.
- Wood As Filter : Therefore we have to use the Wood and Earth element to filter out noises, refrain from addicted into buying bull$hit(including consuming social media contents). Regain more conscious and time to do what truly matters to us this month.
- Harm : Two Dragon is Harming the Rabbit zodiac which may causes more emotional trigger among global leaders and from the younger generation, thus beware of too much negative news, political orders, more children creating unnecessary havoc due to self-sabotage for being too idealistic and lack of care over rules and regulation. This will also affect relationship emotional interactions.
- Legal & Litigation : Monkey zodiac have most legal and litigation stars, so prepare to hear more legal entanglement, sanctions, cancel culture, summonses, project on hold due to no permit or etc.
- Famous : Monkey also have the Three Stages star which bring opportunity for those in the podium may gain popularity indirectly, so makesure you mingle around with winners or influential people to tap onto their fame luck
- Hungry Ghost Month : Begin from August 4, 2024.
August 2024 Bazi Forecast For All 10 Daymasters
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What happened in August : Various sink-hole is happening. Landslide also happening. Would this due to Monkey from Three Harmony with Dragon increase hidden water flow until weakening the soil? Good pattern to recognize.

Jia : Yang Wood in August 2024
This is your Indirect Resource produced by 7-Killing month remind that you learnt the best by taking action in resolving problem especially when it comes to work with others in solving their issue.
Indirect Wealth : Focus on goal that generate real results, lead yourself towards this direction
Indirect Resource : Rooted water can be strong, thus refrain from thinking too much or holding onto past trauma, keep walking, keep running, keep yourself active to ventilate these noises.
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
Slice your-self to filter out the noises. 7-Killing call for the need to thin slice yourself to absorb and filter more water. Since the Indirect Resource brings intuition, trend, pattern, this also call you to demystify misconception or fear in the market by providing real facts and figures. Sort of like the Mythbuster.
Hear say shall remain as hear say, help your client to understand the core concern and real practical action which produces the real genuine results matter the most. Focus on using whatever work instead of “sounds so ideal”.
Personal growth
Indirect Resource can also be your helpful nobleman, thus the opportunity to ask for help is still open. But this also need you to take initiative to impose new challenges for you to be bold into turning ideas, insights into crafting a project that resonate with your own identity.
E.g. my own identity resonate with teaching & coaching, so I start to compile and filter out crucial information, experience, past application, formula and also the wisdom to teach in my new course in this month.
Risk : Your past experience can become your burden due to your pre-conceive notion(trauma). Sometime you are drowned due to downloading too much negative experience from others.
Bazi Wisdom : Dragon and Monkey form partial of the Three Harmony which further increase water element in chart. This required you to filter out these thoughts by being more active and be bold to take action.

Yi: Yin Wood in August 2024
This is your Direct Resource produced by Direct Officer month, prompt you to reorganized your resources, experience, especially all the stuff you have learnt and discovered last month. As you may discover some hidden gem which can be a great upgrade to you as shown in the hidden stem;
- Direct Wealth : Keep your consistency & trustworthy in delivering your work & results. Perhaps a method to automate your processes in keeping your clients feel you are responsive?
- Direct Resource : Be curious to keep seeking for the hidden gem in your library, sometime we already have the answer within, just need time to connect them into our practice.
Nobleman Month
This is your Nobleman Month, so if you feeling stuck, perhaps you need to talk to a mentor, coach, any nobleman you can reach out to this month.
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
This is your learning or upgrade month which brings you opportunity to learn from your peers, and also find out what are the missing gap, and are you or your competitor are adapting to the new world with new system or perhaps with Ai automation?
With the hidden Direct Officer star in the Monkey branch, this prompt you to upgrade your existing money making processes to reduce risk as well as improvise how you do things to keep your client feel you are more responsive and meticulous in responding to their needs.
Personal Growth
For personal growth this month prompt you to take a step back to review your daily habit, your processes, the way to do your thing. Are there any space or gap which can be improved to keep you fascinating with your own passion?
If the market focusing on using Ai, perhaps you wanting to focus more on keeping your communication with your connection with genuine real conversation more? More human approach rather than cold bot answering them? This can be vice versa, depends on your situation.
Risk : Still busy fighting and struggling to keep everything running as status quo until missing out the opportunity to look into upgrade, stop busy being busy.
Bazi Message : Staying competitive in RW year required you to upgrade once in a while to keep yourself making sense to keep your own customers and clients stay growing with you. Who don’t like to work with a party who keep upgrade themselves to support our own growth.

Bing: Yang Fire in August 2024
This is your 7-Killing produced by Indirect Wealth month. First you may be overwhelming with problem, pressure and may be a little crisis brewing.
With the strong water energy this month which required you to detach from sinking into these drama and instead, be wise to stand above these and keep observe the pattern of these problems, then slowly deploy different strategy to tackle them individually. With 2 additional hidden stem provide more additional ideas for you;
- Eating God : Need your creativity to stabilize and segregate the flow of these issue.
- 7-Killing : There are potential hidden internal crisis lurking which required you to be aware and responsive to contain them
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
First of all I need to address the potential hidden crisis with your wealth, financial as your Indirect Wealth is weakened by the overwhelming water element. This need you to relook into your financial, investment, new venture or even your additional side income. The risk is higher especially when it involved collaboration, partnership, connections due to the Three Harmony.
So you have to activate your Jia Wood element by remain on top of your business to observe what is going on, observe the flow, the pattern of these potential problem.
With your Eating God (Earth element) to segregate and contain these problem, organize and label them up, then only you address and solve it one by one. You need to be FAST though due to this Monkey month is one of the Sky Horse star which is not controlled.
Personal Growth
You may feel overwhelming with pressure and feeling your effort seems to be going into drain. Confronting them can be challenging without a strategy. Thus you need to be strategically tackle these challenges since this is your Indirect Resource(IR) on Eating God(EG) year.
When problem arise, Open a new case, write down the problem on piece of paper, diagnose for the real issue(root cause) then determine what strategy are suited for the problem. You need to start to contain the problem before address it as it may attract and entangle with other issue which eventually becoming a crisis.
Risk : Overwhelming water will shadow the shine of Bing fire make you feel gloomy, thus shift your mind from confronting the problem into studying and learning about the real issue. This will shift the entire paradigm.
Bazi Message : Dragon and Monkey already attract more water element which can be way too overwhelming for Bing fire, the arbitrary is to use the Wood element by weakening the water to produce more wood into your resources

Ding: Yin Fire in August 2024
This is your Direct Officer produced by Direct Wealth month calls for the need to structurise and systemize your creation to ensure it is sustainable and manage-able.
- Hurting Officer : Pitch and present crucial points required for the framework, purpose, intention and the value our clients are receiving.
- Direct Officer : Rooted DO brings more organized structure from the action to the mentality to those who are running the system.
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
Last month we have talk about getting creative in innovating new changes and this month you can consider to focus on systemize deliverables. Behind every successful company there must be a system, business process to ensure quality and deliverables are met consistently.
Therefore you need to translate your working processes into a replicable and scalable system, automation, framework or any containing methodology with intention to keep everything working with higher consistency, transparency. This also would need you to keep doing your research, analysis to upgrade this systematic approach but it will definitely help you go in the long run.
Personal Growth
When it comes to personal growth, Ding fire need to transfer or put whatever you learn into a system, database, your second brain or etc. Learning around with your notes scattering around won’t help.
Therefore you shall start recollect all your learning, gather them all, label, categorize then organize them into a structurised manner. By this you will have better clarity in term of your learning progress and find out what are the priorities and are you learning enough? Still need more courses? Which one to complete your big picture of studying.
Risk : Hoarding on resources and depending on other people to give you the complete framework only making you feelin tired because they may not be personalized according to your needs.
Bazi Message : Ding (Passion) and Ren(flow) combined into wood = Growth. In this month in order for you to grow properly of course you need a clear direction, guide, to lead you and all your resources into creating a meaningful goal(DW).

Wu : Yang Earth in August 2024
This is your Indirect Wealth produced by Eating God month which brings opportunity to turn your creativity to tackle the 7-Killing into producing new solutions(IW) to manage challenges. There are 2 additional hidden stems which brings;
- Friend : Your-self identity, time to reinforce yourself identity
- Indirect Wealth : Setting new vision, how you manage risk, challenges
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
This is the Indirect Wealth month which is good to launch new project, business, campaign, but most of all is the best month for you to launch your brand new vision after experiencing the 7-Killing year.
By now you should have gained certain amount of understanding on how to tackle and handle this breakthrough and most of all this 7-Killing should have help you unravel your hidden potential(depends on your hidden element) which is crucial in setting new benchmark, new solutions, new method or etc.
Personal Growth
When it comes to your personal growth, this is the best month for you to reflect and do any introspective work to review how you should redefine yourself, your goal and your purpose.
Take some time to reflect on the opportunities, challenges, and obstacles you’ve been through in the past few months. Reflect for what these challenge meant for you personally. Find out what talents or hidden gems have these experiences helped you uncover?
Your past obstacles, challenges is what empowering the future version of you. And this is the month for you to rewrite your future vision and what you wish to become in the next few years shall start from today.
Risk : Believing that challenges from the 7-Killing is to take you down thus you just keep in passive mode refrain from taking action to learn
Bazi Message : Jia wood is here to crack you open, to unleash the treasure you have been hiding within you. Just imagine a tree growing on top of you(mountain) where its’ root will grasp on the earth and in this process may crack certain part of the mountain which may unleash the hidden gem inside the mountain.

Ji : Yin Earth in August 2024
This is your Direct Wealth produced by Hurting Officer month bring wealth opportunity which required you to be pro-active in leading the conversation and narratives. There are two additional hidden stems;
- Rob Wealth : Stay ahead of your competitor or peers by discovering their opinion, critics, funnel them to a space where they feel their voice being heard.
- Direct Wealth : DW is rooted, which need you to equally work hard in managing expectation from both external and internal parties.
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
This is your wealth month after all your season of self-promotion, market testing and validation. With the Geng metal as your Hurting Officer star, you do need to by swift into spotting where the complaints brewing, immediately jump into the conversation and funnel them into a space where their complain being heard. This is where you acknowledge them for their issue then propose your solutions, and slowly hold them with care under your wing.
When complaints are brewing in your industry, being a solution provider your role is to blend into the conversation then manage the conversation or narration. This is crucial especially when they are your competitors’ client or customers.
If above strategy didn’t ring a bell to you, then focus on increasing more transaction, don’t forget to invest into getting assistant, tools, anything which can help you reduce your load and do shout out a little in term of how you work, how you manage risk and how meticulous you handle your clients’ with care.
Nobleman Month
This is your Nobleman Month, so if you feeling stuck, perhaps you need to talk to a mentor, coach, any nobleman you can reach out to this month.
Personal Growth
For personal growth aspect, this month in term of workload can be higher due to the Direct Wealth which is good to increase more transaction, higher workload but do not neglect the needs to connect with those around you.
Be passionate to initiate meaningful communication to understand the needs of people around you, find-out their true needs versus their sound needs. People may complain the symptom, not knowing the deep lying needs. This is where you need to add a little conversation to connect with them.
Risk : Sinking yourself under the workload and just work hard as you used to. In order to build your professional identity (Direct Officer) you need to connect with people to in building your complete big picture
Bazi Message : This month’s Direct Wealth (Ren water) will produce your Direct Officer (Jia wood) which mean your hardwork, your effort, your responsibilities will further strengthen your reputation. This mean you do need to walk your talk, find out where the problem brew and lead them into your professional way of doing thins (Direct Officer).

Geng : Yang Metal in August 2024
This is your Eating God produced by Friend star month which brings you the time for re-innovate yourself, your brand, your niche, and most of all is the way you get things done in your way. There are two hidden stems which bring;
- Indirect Resource : Your past experience and proven track record of your consistency in tapping onto niche gap.
- Eating God : Your creativity are rooted within your gene, don’t be shy to show how sharp your blade is.
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
This is the month of creative, innovation either in the aspect of your business, operations, your brands or perhaps coin a new term on how you do things in your way. For example in Malaysia we have one of the well known chiropractor who coined his own brand, his own school and method known as Chris Leong Method Tit Tar (CLM). Or how Michael Jackson popularize his Moon Walk.
Perhaps it’s time for you to get creative in coining new term, spark new interest and curiosity for others to recognize “your method”.
Personal Growth
After the month of self-rewarding (and not self-comparing), this month brings the calling to re-envision and re-design your own approach be it in personal life, professional career path, or even relationship.
Time to get creative and spend a little bit more time to enjoy the process, reward yourself to go for a good food hunting, learn to play, re-ignite your inner-child moment and re-live the moment that you’ve been fighting or making money for.
Risk : Sometime while we are in the process of pursuing wealth and monetary success, we may forgotten the purpose of working hard for those goal. This is the month prompt you to take a step back to revisit the purpose of the ideal life/brand you’re building
Bazi Message : Finally the month of Ren Water producing your Indirect Wealth(Jia Wood) which prompt you to re-look into the purpose of your end-goal, what are the purpose of building wealth? Are you taking time to enjoy the glimpse of your success rather than the hustling?

Xin : Yin Metal in August 2024
This is your Hurting Officer produced by Rob Wealth star which brings opportunity to lead the narrative to become to compass in guiding others. There are 2 additional hidden stars;
- Direct Resource : Your story, compelling data and information worth to share to others.
- Hurting Officer : Rooted star emphasize the needs to maximize your strong story telling abilities
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
This is your branding month, or your story telling month. Based on overall formation, you may consider to use your power of story telling to build meaningful connections and foster trust-building.
By sharing your side of stories and creating a platform or a space for others to share their stories, journey, finding common goal, pain and gain, this can cultivate a loyal following and eventually strengthening your brand-trust (Direct Wealth).
Personal Growth
When it come personal growth, Xin metal person are highly affected by what they tell themselves and others. This month you need to start re-write your story and what you tell others about yourself in your process of self-reprogramming. Change your narrative, change your life.
Refrain from negative word in your story and replace it with positive keyword such as “I am not rich yet, but I am on the track heading there”.
Risk : Story telling can be powerful for both internal and external, what you tell yourself shape you who are.
Bazi Message : What you whisper to yourself shapes the echo of your reality. Change the narrative, and watch your world shift in response.

Ren : Yang Water in August 2024
This is your Friend produced by Indirect Resource star brings more friend star element with partial of the Three Harmony (Monkey + Dragon), this required you to filter out noises and may have probability on redirect your sail based on two additional stars below;
- 7-Killing : Show-stopper/opposition holding you back from making progress, beware of any legal entanglement or deals which sounds too good to be true. On the other hand you can use this challenge to empower you in crafting a better system/workflow/process instead.
- Friend : When the Three Harmony pull in friends, peers, industrial players, too much noises and too much interference. Thus you need to filter out noises whichever doesn’t align with yours then pivot.
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
Your ideas or plan may face some obstacles can be from legal implication, approval, permit, or receiving offer from someone want to partner with you but most of them somehow just doesn’t feels right. Yep, follow your intuition (Indirect Resource) because if those deal doesn’t feels right then most probably it doesn’t.
If those show-stopper does happen (yikes) then immediately pivot or shift your focus and look for the next opportunity where there are more interest, interaction and feedback from your audience.
With the Indirect Resource star again, people are looking new stimuli, combine with your annual Eating God star this is where you craft a whole new experiential activities to empower your tribes.
Grand strategy is the art of looking beyond the present battle and calculating ahead. Focus on your ultimate goal and plot to reach it.
Personal Growth
Meeting Friend star month brings the opportunity to get yourself updated with the latest development and updates from your friends, peers. Some people do learn and grow becoming wiser, some may not.
Well this prompt you to reflect and review how much you have grown through all the challenges? Are you living the exciting version of you? The one who embark new venture, new exploration, the one who seek for continuous growth through experience?
Alternatively, if above doesn’t sounds exciting perhaps you can become the nobleman to others, help your friends or peers in seeking clarity by turning their fear, obstacles, hindrance into a new exciting challenge by thin-slicing issues they faced.
Risk : Partial of Three-Harmony from Grand-Duke Dragon (too idealistic) with Monkey (seek to shine but hidden litigation stars still lurking around). You may need to re-look deeper into your plan to craft your own niche away from the radar of Grand-duke
Bazi Message : Strong Friend star can be overwhelming, thus for Ren water they need to be smart or intuitive (IR) enough to filter out who you can work with. Whichever ideas that doesn’t feels right, skip it. Immediately pivot to another goal. Ignore the subtle obstacle, just keep flowing your water above the 7-Killing.

Gui : Yin Water in August 2024
This is your Rob Wealth produced by Direct Resource month which brings opportunity for you to lead your upcoming topic, conversation backed with a little research to stir up meaningful discussion, here are some of the additional stars in complementing the strategy;
- Direct Officer : Stay organized to keep your crows on steady flow
- Rob Wealth : Rooted RW need you to create the flow, take lead to stir meaningful conversation
For business owners, entrepreneurs, side-hustlers
This is your Rob Wealth which can either by spending money or we prefer to invest into gaining information. Sometime the best answer comes from your peers or competitors. So prep up yourself this month to focus on collaboration with competitors, affiliates, partners or etc. in stirring up some meaningful discussion to seek for clarity, seek for data-backed research in empowering your branding.
Or alternatively you can opt to buy answer from other competitor people, some may uses spies, take over resources, buying secret formula could also be part of this type of strategy.
Therefore it is all about investing into seeking more resource, system, method or anything that you find deemed crucial for your business.
Personal Growth
When it comes to personal growth, first of all you need to learn about value. Sometime we don’t need to work hard to find out everything by ourselves. There are answers out there waiting for us to invest into growing ourselves.
Therefore take the opportunity to invest into getting yourself updated with either technical know-how, courses, or best you can directly buy an experts’ for their time to pick their brain.
Risk : Being tempted to spend to cure your emotion rather understand the opportunity of invest into building meaningful relationship
Bazi Message : When you realized your Rob Wealth star is rooted within and plus the Three Harmony Water Frame further increase the water element, this may attract more fear due to lack of proper filtered information.
Other Consideration
That’s all for the for the August 2024 Bazi forecast and micro-strategy, do take note some of the suggestion, advise provided above are for general inspiration.
Everyone would have a different configuration on their Bazi chart, different luck pillar, different goal and needs. Thus if you are seeking for a more personal advise, you may consider to schedule a consultation session to help you in planning your activities.
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