Annual Astrology Report 2021


Discover your personalized Annual Astrology Reading 2021. If you’ve been trying to learn and discover your own Chinese Zodiac Horoscope forecast annually but feeling not using it properly.

Let me assist you in discovering your personalized 2021 Annual Horoscope energy forecast with using Chinese Metaphysics. Discover your compass of the year.

Discover Your Life's User Manual

In life we go through various challenges, trials and obstacles in hope to discover our life purpose and inner-drive.  The more we work, the more we struggle, the more we attempt to make changes in our life, somehow things doesn’t reward as much as we’re expecting. Somehow this sometime beat us down without us knowing it.

Throught Chinese Metaphysics we can help you in discovering your inborn character, talents, opportunities and how these Astrology energy influencing your life. Stop reading those general information on the internet and start discover your own personalized Chinese Astrology/Horoscope reading  and how to navigate your life and maximise what energy you’ve been given to your advantage.

About Me

I am Jonath Lee, an Award Winning Designer who turned into a passionate Life Coach and Chinese Metaphysics Consultant who’s in the mission of helping people transforming their life with various combination of Metaphysics and Personal Growth Methodology.

Why I’m Doing This?

After going through a major breakdown and depression in 2017, I took various courses and program to discover why my life keep bombarding with all these negative events. Subsequently it lead me to Chinese Metaphysics and discovered this crucial this layer of information which influencing one’s ability in living a fulfilling life.

After spending huge amount of time and money, I’m now combining various personal growth program with Chinese Metaphysics to help more people in gaining awareness with what ability they we born with and how they can use it transform their life for the betterment.

Jonath Lee @ Renerqi